
Rate My Professors (80)

MATH4B . 10 Months Ago

most people put ZERO effort in the class but expected a good grade. unlike most 4b profs, stopple taught us meaningful concepts instead of forcing us to memorize how to do useless, tedious computations that a computer could do in two seconds. lecture notes were a little messy but useful if you actually try to follow along. grading was reasonable.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 21 Days Ago

His lecture is difficult to understand, and the exam accounts for 90% of the total grade. However, he hardly provides any useful resources or practice exams. He should recognize that 4b is a lower-level math course, not all students taking this course are majoring in math or statistics. Just don't take his class

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 22 Days Ago

He is an alright lecturer, but as for most lower division math, you should be fine with learning from Paul's notes. Sadly he seems to not enjoy the content of the course and often made comments about how the course was useless to us. I got a 96 and 100 on midterms, and got complacent, got a F on final and somehow ended with B. So pretty easy tbh.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

useless lectures, midterms and finals are not related to hw students are forced to sign an agreement in the final stating we will get an ZERO if we do the first question wrong

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Lectures are very disorganized and often does not show reasoning behind work. Tests are very hard and do not relate to homework or any practice provided. You have to pay $80 just to do homework with limited attempts, you end up trying to gather points rather than learn the content. Makes subject far more confusing than it is compared to YT vids.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Worst professor I've had. Lectures are incoherent, homework is $80 and doesn't prepare us for any of the exams. 90% of the course are exams, and only 10% is homework. He doesn't work with the TAs to tell them what we do, he doesn't offer practice exams, and the review he hands out isn't even on the exams. Complete waste of our time.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Stopple weighted the final way too high and doesn't curve. He also WileyPlus instead of WebWork for homework which you have to pay for and have limited tries on, making it harder to learn the content. He got too conceptual instead of teaching the math.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I literally wasted a whole quarter taking this class just to end up with an F... literally so hard this professor does not know how to teach... AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Worst prof I've ever seen

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Not always the easiest lecturer to follow because he doesn't really use or provide reviewable material and the textbook from WileyPlus is also a hard read. Speaking of WileyPlus has he just not heard of webwork. Someone tell him about webwork. Pls just use webwork

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Terrible. Don't take him for 4B, he expects too much for a lower-division class and goes beyond what is supposed to be taught. Glosses over each topic as if we all have math degrees already and he didn't want to be there as much as we did. We have to pay for homework, and I basically learned everything online. More questions by going to lecture.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

bro thinks we all tryna get a phD in math and physics like huh. lectures aren't helpful either bc it doesn't even compare to the exams. don't take his class even if its required, wait until the next quarter with a different professor. the homework is hard too, and we had to pay like $80 for it. cmon, we're all worth more than that.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

This old geezer is so unpredictable you would never know what he would pull off next. He also expects students to know everything already and makes the exams EXTREMELY HARD. If you ever need to take 4B, please avoid this professor at all costs.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Don't take his class! Don't take his class!

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Don't take 4B with him. This old guy always assumes you already have a degree in math, and his lectures were the most disorganized. It's really a suffering course that you will never know what to do. No practice exams. Review materials are helpful sometimes, but he doesn't give solutions so you'll have to figure them out on your own.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Made us pay $77 to do homework only for it to be worth 10% of the grade. Other 90% is exams which were unlike homework or lectures. They were based on vague review study guides that he refused to give the solutions to. Lectures were always confusing and more complicated than it needed to be. He was also uninterested in answering any questions.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Do not take Math 4B with Stopple. Lectures are all over the place and super disorganized. Exam problems are completely different from homework. Study guides are vague and do not have answer keys. No practice exams provided.

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Barely gives study guides. So vague

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Great professor. Material is well structured and fair paced- Really easy course and exams as long as you understand linearity

0 helpful 5 unhelpful
MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Do not take diff eq's with this guy. The guy is lazy. He consistently ends lectures 30 minutes early, doesn't show work or much mathematical reasoning, and he won't give a good response to any kind of question you might have. On top of all of this, the textbook for this class is horrendously difficult to comprehend. The tests are very difficult too

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MATH4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

His lectures can be confusing at times but all the notes are posted online and he gives us plenty of practice problems so it's not that bad. While the homework policy was harsh initially, he gave us 2 more attempts after the first chapter, waives 30 points instead of 10 now, and will not count homework in the final grade if it harms you.

0 helpful 5 unhelpful
3B4A4B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I took Math 4B with this professor. You have to pay $80 bucks for WileyPlus for his assignments, and you only had 1 try for each question. Yes, all the questions are graded and they reflect on your final grade. He discourages you from asking questions. I really tried in this class but he was very unhelpful even when I ask questions and TA sucks.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATHB . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Took this class for 4B and the lectures are all over the place, super unorganized. Had to get an online textbook in order to do the homework which cost 80$, the book wasn't helpful and the homework was completely different from what he was teaching in class. Literally walked out of the first lecture without understanding anything...

3 helpful 2 unhelpful
math117 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Prof Stopple gave a fat curve. He has his own textbook with all the theorems, propositions, and exercises. This quarter, he covered 13 theorems, 27 propositions, and 80 exercises. In order to ace the class, you should try to do the exercises not assigned for hw on your own. You can go to TA and professor's OH for help. Would take his class again.

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