
Rate My Professors (78)

ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Yes, Hines needs to work on his teaching style and being more approachable in office hours. If you are looking for an easy class with a buddy-buddy instructor, this is not the class for you. Reading is VERY IMPORTANT before each lecture. Your TA will help you the most and the Anthro TAs work hard to help you succeed. Participate in section!

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ANTHR2 . 16 Years Ago

He repreat himself a lot and uses made up words. There are two midterms and one final. You have to study to pass the class because he wants perfect answers.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

The guy doesn't know how to teach a simple class. He would rather use his useless definitions than good and clear ones from the text book. He uses words that are way out of context. He is a prime example of a non-intellectual trying to be intellectual.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

This guy doesn't know how to teach for the sake of anything. He uses words that are out of context and confusing. Don't take this guy.

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ANT2 . 16 Years Ago

The subject of anthropology is highly interesting,but Hines fails at teaching this subject properly. He does have conprehensive knowledge on the subject but he seriously doesnt make any sense. He's annoying and his midters are graded so specifically that is insane!!! overall dont take this class,not recommended at all.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

readings and films can be interesting but thats about all that is interesting in the class. grading scale is so specific that if you dont memorize the lecture notes word for word you're out of luck.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Hines thinks that using inane and completely irrelevant vocabulary will impress freshman and other members of his class. Whether or not you understand material is irrelevant, the tests are based on regurgitating his exact words, so attending all lectures and memorizing his phrasing is key to doing well. I loved anthropology before taking this class

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Won't explain definitions, seems to blaze through last half of the quarter in a rush, second midterm is pretty hard. Interesting topics but only if you comprehend whats going on to begin with. Good TA makes difference (I had VonReuden). Study guides kind of a bust... slides hard to read... class not a killer, though, if you study a lot. :/

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Lectures were incredibly boring - hated the class from the beginning. He makes up words and it is impossible to be correct.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

im a 2nd yr anth major. this guy really does blow.his criteria for grading is very unfair,and way too specific.i am interested in the content and nvr skipped class, did 90% of all readings,got a horrible score on 2nd midterm.uses incorrect and unnecessary vocabulary when speaking.i also caught him plagiarizing on his slides.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

His tests require you to write what he says verbatim. Very specific criteria for grading short answer and fill-in-the-blank questions. The concepts themselves are easy, but he asks you to make connections that require a lot more than 2-3 sentences. I'd recommend the class with a different professor.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

worst teacher i have ever had!!! he is a complete ass and over complicates everything. he has useless readings and uses big words and then uses bigger words to define the big words he uses. he also uses said big words incorrectly. he is completely pretentious and thinks because he has a PhD he knows everything. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ANTHSECT . 16 Years Ago

He is in alright professor.. you don't really need to study b/c his tests are based nearly exclusively on what he says in lecture.. also uses unnecessarily large words, and at times makes up his own words.. i'd say he is an extremely average professor

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Honestly, I really don't know what to think of this guy. The class is extremely straightforward and you don't have to do the readings, but he uses an unnecessary amount of words explaining things and you basically have to write his exact definition things in order to succeed on his mideterms/finals. Not fun, but it's good if you want an easy grade.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Absolutely ridiculous. Minute details must be memorized. Grading is unfair. Teacher likes to ramble.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

He is a challenging professor, but makes it interesting. Totally enjoyed his class.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Utterly boring lectures which have to be memorized word for word and tests that have absolutely unfair grading standards (I'm being truthful on this, not just whining). Thanks to him I'm never taking anthropology again. Avoid him at all costs!

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

He is a good teacher, he just expects you to be a good student back. You cannot be lazy or expect class to be easy. You are in college, so get over yourself! This isnt high school anymore!!

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ANTH122 . 16 Years Ago

Please save yourself! do not take anth122 with Hines! I was so confused during the whole class and I attempted all of the readings (4 books)...way too difficult to understand. Lectures are boring, but if you do take this class, go to office hours and raise your hand in class and I bet you'll get a better grade. I don't know if I'll pass the class.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

It isn't so much that he's a bad teacher, I mean he uses big words but I think that's more because it's Anthropology than anything else. What disturbed me was his attitude. He definitely let his emotions get the better of him, some days he actually called people out when they were late to class and humiliated them. The environment just wasn't good.

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ANTHR1 . 16 Years Ago

He's not the greatest professor in the world and he likes to impress the students with his "big vocabulary" Most of the reading is pointless because what your tested on is the notes from lecture. If you want a class you don't have to attend for a good grade, then this is definitely not the class for you. Pointless review at beginning of class.

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ANTHR2 . 16 Years Ago

Best professor I have this quarter- He reviews material from the previous lecture at the beginning of each new lecture which is extremely helpful. His midterm was fair, no surprises. You have to read and pay attention but it's worth it. I think it's an interesting class and he's a funny guy who really loves what he does.

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ANTHR2 . 16 Years Ago

He is a horrible teacher who tries to use high vocabulary but it does not work for him. Terrible teaching skills. Boring class, only the books are interesting.

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ANTH2 . 16 Years Ago

Yeah, he's a self-obsessed arrogant dude...but I do enjoy the class. I couldn't stand him at first, but he's grown on me. Not the best professor I've had, and not the worst - pretty ok.

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