Anderson R W

Rate My Professors (208)

3A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Bob rocks. By far the best professor I've encountered thus far at UCSB. Yes the tests are hard and the curve sucks, but that's set by the Econ department, and Bob cares a lot about teaching you the material. Get into the Honors section if you can - it's a very eye-opening experience into the accounting world.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Bob is a good professor and the class is pretty straightforward, the only bad thing really is the curve. As long as you study the past exams and do plenty of practice problems you should be fine on the actual problems on the exams. However, you have to go to lectures because he throws in random facts that he will put on the exam to set the curve.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Bob is the man. Clear lectures and very helpful, sure the curve sucks but as long as you study and do all of the practice that is given to you, you can do well in this class. I thought this class was really interesting which i think made it easier for me. Get a good TA and study every week not just before the midterms and final.

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3A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Bob is the man. He is clear about what he'll test you on, and is very knowledgeable/experienced in the real world. Some people say he comes off strong/harsh, but that is because he truly cares about students and their learning. The pre-major curve sucks, but Bob sets it through the difficulty of exams so you should receive what your raw score is.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

This class is hard- bob is a good professor but the class is very competitive and fast paced with a lot of independent extra work expected of you. That being said he is a fair guy and his form of extra credit is that he tests on random things he says in class that are irrelevant to the material e.g. his sons Halloween costume...

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3A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Econ 3A is by far the most interesting class in the Econ department that I have taken. Bob makes this class a lot more interesting and easy to learn because of the dense materials. He goes on a lot of tangents, but those random tangents somehow tie back to lecture?!?

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

He's a funny guy so the lectures won't bore you to death. However, the information presented is disorganized and the textbook (which sucks to read) doesn't complement the lectures at all. He doesn't prepare you for assignments and doesn't hand your work back so good luck figuring out why your grade is what it is. Thumbs down.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

Bob is the man. He teaches you what he thinks is the most important material, so make sure you go to class so you know what will be on the test. He also goes on tangents frequently, but pay attention because they usually have some relevance to the course/tests.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

Bob was genuinely entertaining- I loved the stories he told in lecture. The class wasn't a breeze, but it was rewarding

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

Bob is one of the best professors I've ever had. I was unable to attend a week of class, and friends would joke, "You missed accounting?! WOW, you must be SO bummed," but I legitimately enjoyed his lectures, and I looked forward this class. Many thanks to Bob for allowing me to respond with a straight face that yes, I actually enjoy accounting.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

Bob Anderson was a great professor. He shows a lot of interest when teaching and he tells the best and funniest stories. The class is not hard at all if you show up and take it seriously. Do NOT skip class. I understand that its hard to wake up for an 8am but he reveals random test questions and you can only get it right if you were in class.

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ECON118 . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

Definitely the worse prof I have ever had in UCSB. very unclear grading criteria for homework, and he deducts point for turning it 3 minutes late, which can make sense if that's his rule and that is stated somewhere, but he NEVER mentioned that! u will never know why your points were deducted unless u ask him because he doesn't hand homework back.

2 helpful 5 unhelpful
3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

This class is comprised of 2 midterms and a final. For midterms, I recommend doing EVERY single practice midterm he provides a couple days in advance to the actual midterm. They are incredibly helpful and provide a very good indication of what his actual test will be like. GO TO LECTURE, he mentions random stuff and tests on it. SIGN UP FOR CLAS!!!

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3A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

I really like Professor Anderson, I think he is honestly very inspirational. His lectures are not boring like some other professors. He also has 7 practice tests for midterms for you to study!!! DO THOSE. it really helps me throughout the quarter. I also really like my TA Haley, and Stevie!!! They are very helpful too!

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

2 midterms, homework, 1 final. Anderson is straightforward and clearly states what will be on tests. Do the reading, homework, go to all lectures and sign up for CLAS. Do all of the practice tests and go to the review sessions!!! If you put in the work you'll be fine.

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

His homework policy is stringent. I tried to turn in typed homework at the end of class because I walked in late, he denied my homework, which, after he told me about the "first 5 minutes of class" policy on his syllabus, made total sense. However, he rudely and unprofessionally turned his back and walked out while I explained I was there at 8:05.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

Loved Anderson! He is one of my favorite Accounting professors at SB. He is really nice and approachable. If you can take the honor section!

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

Anderson is a very nice and interesting guy. His lecture slides are a bit confusing and the most random pieces of information from the slides would show up on the tests so watch out! He always says stuff in class that helps the kids that showed up that day so go as much as you can. Not my favorite class but still a caring and helpful professor.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

Go to class and really pay attention to everything he says outside of the slides and it will help you fully understand the material. He also says a bunch of things in class that will be on the test. Don't expect much when you ask for help in his office hours; biggest waste of time. Overall, go to class and read, he won't help you outside of it.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

Anderson is a very good lecturer. If you go to class and pay attention, you will learn a lot and probably like the guy. His tests are fair and based off WileyPlus. If you do the readings, a lot of practice problems for the chapters in ORION and practice the exercises in each chapter (Both of which are in WileyPlus), you will do great.

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132 . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Prof Anderson is full of himself. His classes are boring, this is my third class with him. He is not available outside of his office hours, don't even try. I've had incredible econ professors here at UCSB. Bob isn't one of them

8 helpful 3 unhelpful
ECON3A . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

One of the best... makes accounting fun.

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136A . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Full of himself, not helpful during office hours

12 helpful 2 unhelpful
ECON3A . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Makes accounting SO clear. Could not have asked for a better professor for an intro class. Go to lecture, he makes everything so much easier. The only thing standing in your way is the Econ curve, but hey if you're taking this class - you've asked for it!

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