Cindy is really nice and caring. Her lectures are fun.
Honestly, the stress of this class is not worth it. It's hard to put into words how much of a mess this class was. No clear indication what would be covered on exams, completely random due date & grading schemes, grades assigned based on her mood, etc. I had no idea what my final grade would be until it was on GOLD. Would not recommend.
If you have Cindy Benelli as one of your econ professors, count your lucky stars because she truly is one of the best at UCSB. Attend lectures, do the assignments as best as you can, and communicate with her regularly and it's almost guaranteed you will get a good grade in the class. Just have fun and enjoy the ride!
Cindy is nice but sassy and very very unorganized. The syllabus said we were supposed to have 15 quizzes and we only had 4. She always says "this might be right but Im not sure" during her lectures or about the notes she posts. You're pretty much on your own in this class. There was no final, just an analysis project and an exam worth 6% in dead wk
The most disorganized professor ever. Quiz solutions and even lectures were riddled with mistakes that were never fixed. She never answered emails, and would frequently forget to post things for us. It is agonizing to watch your professor restructure the class every week because of their incompetence. Your grade is essentially a mystery. AVOID
I didn't know it was possible for a person to be so disorganized. The worst class I've taken at UCSB, not because the content is hard, but because Benelli never has any idea what is going on. I feel bad for all of the students in this class. Prof shouldn't be able to harm students' grades because of organization but she gets away with it. AVOID.
She is so weird and her homework and quizzes dont match up with what she lectures on. Half of the time shell post a word doc of random math which makes no sense without context. Unless you enjoy teaching yourself everything from an equally useless textbook definitely stay away from this dumpster fire of quarter organization and class in general
Professor Benelli is one of the most caring person I ever met but with the worst capability of organization. Of course I understand that things been tough for all of us during the pandemic, but changing syllabus and grading in week 7 is just going too far.
Make sure to go to lectures because she does not post slides as she lectures with her iPad. Offers extra credit but really your grade is going to be based off the tests. Good thing the subject isn't too difficult because her lectures aren't that great.
Mrs. Benelli is interesting. She knows what she is talking about but her teaching style is not very good. Her lectures are often messy and clunky and confusing. Her graphs aren't very good. She does not use power-point slides which is a BAD thing in economics. She zooms through lots of math and assumes we know things magically. Pretty funny though.
The material isn't super difficult but Benellis teaching is terrible. Her class is very disorganized and her lectures are just math based, very little explained in concepts. She does a bad job at explaining herself and often goes against the textbook or gives us wrong information. Overall, she is a horrendous teacher.
One of the worst economics professors I've had at this university, constantly makes mistakes and confuses students. Very disorganized in every aspect of the class, including test prep, gauchospace posts, and even lecture. Often does not even introduce the subject she is going over before jumping into some abstract calculations. Would not recommend.
She is a nice person, very caring compare to other professors. That being said, lecture is very hard to follow as she writes on her Ipad and is a bit all over the place. However, you have to attend class as notes are not posted and exams have questions gone only in lecture. Overall one of the easier classes in Econ if you have good math skills.
Contradicts herself in lecture very often. Unclear visuals that shell brush off if she cant properly explain it. Slides arent posted online so youre stuck copying down slides that shell always find a mistake on. Easy test grader though so its not hard to pass, but its a hard class to excel at.
To be credit, she tries hard. Not much in the way of effective teaching or inspiring her students
Professor Benelli was a really nice professor that really taught you everything you needed for the quizzes and final. Make sure to do all the practice problems to be able to do well on the exams that she gives you. Everything is straightforward as long as you attend class and take notes on everything she says.
Cindy is literally the best professor in the econ dept. She actually cares about all her students and is really straight forward with whats gunna be on her tests. She's really nice and would recommend taking her to anyone thinking about taking her class. Also took 150A.
The tests are pretty straightforward if you take good notes during lectures. Just make sure to do all provided practice problems posted on GS, as they are pretty representative of some test questions. Reading the book can help fill in the blanks if you miss lecture. If you stay on top of things, it shouldn't be too much work.
Class really made all that econ finally make sense! Very energetic and makes econ fun! Wish I had taken all her classes since econ is exciting when viewed through her eyes. She really likes students and tries to get to know everyone in the class. It's different because most professors don't care and she does.
Great Teacher! Had her class in the spring and her teaching style is very clear. Easy to understand and follow. You do have to go to class on a regular basis b/c most of her test material is strictly based on lecture notes. The only way to get a bad grade is if you don't pay attention. Easy A
Average professor. Only reason for bad rating is that she promises at the beginning to help you out in any way possible, however is actually very rude and seems to dislike students who come in to discuss their performance in the class.
Always attend class and take good notes. Though she posts notes online, they are very rough. Study HW, practice exams AND NOTES for exams. MT and Final (35%,55%). 2 HWs (5% ea.). If you understood 100a/100b well you will do fine. Exams will have some unexpected questions that will be found in your notes. Final harder than MT. Fair curve. Overall,A
A great professor that i've ever had. Friendly and helpful. Super enjoyable class. Go to class, pay attention, and get As. Highly recommend !!!
Benelli is one of the best econ professor that I've had in UCSB. She is really nice and helpful. Her test is not hard as long as you attend lecture and take good notes. just pay really close attention in class and you will do fine.