ECON 106
Cindy Benelli
187 reviews

ECON9 . Benelli C A 2 Months Ago

While sometimes unorganized, she made homework and tests relatively easy and gave extra credit opportunities. Lectures were sometimes difficult to follow but overall the class wasn't difficult.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

Benelli gets easily distracted in class and tells personal stories instead of teaching material. She wasn't able to get through all the material necessary for the final in my class. Be ready to have to learn most of the material on your own since she rushes through notes in class time.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

She's a mix of really good and poor qualities. She's very lenient, especially with late work and grading, pretty much everyone passes. However, her lectures are very disorganized and don't connect easily with the types of questions she asks on exams. You also have no idea what you're grade is until after the final. Teach yourself the material.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

she is so confusing and her lectures feel pointless because she doesn't cover anything we are tested on.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

Lectures aren't mandatory but you will have to teach yourself the material, her slides aren't very helpful. Exams are tough and questions aren't based on the lectures so you will have to read to understand. Study and read and you will be fine but wouldn't take her again

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

Benelli is nice but her class is so confusing especially the lectures, they make no sense. Her tests have nothing to do with what she teaches so you better get the textbook out or figure out some other way to learn the material. Good luck!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

Super disorganized and all over the place. No structure. Grade is unknown until the last minute, lectures aren't helpful. Just hope for a good TA.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

I have never had a professor so disorganized. I would avoid this class if possible, just take econ1 instead. I regret taking this course so much, her lectures are honestly useless and the only way the information was actually digestible was through my TA. Avoid this class at all costs!!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Months Ago

Cindy is a nice enough person, but is SO disorganized. The lectures make no sense and honestly confused me more every time I went to them. Quizzes every week, fair amount of homework. 2 exams with an optional final to replace your lowest exam score. Exams make no sense and are not reflective of any material taught. good luck

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114A . Benelli C A 4 Months Ago

She is great

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Months Ago

Cindy's ECON9 class is disorganized, but the material is fairly easy. Rely on the textbook and unstuck study for study help, as her lectures and exams don't always align. Not the most helpful professor, but a passable class overall.

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114A . Benelli C A 7 Months Ago

Professor Benelli is a great professor. Her teaching style may seem a bit unorthodox, but she really cares about her students that show initiative. Showing up to lecture isn't mandatory, but its HIGHLY recommended! Most exam questions are hinted at during lecture, giving the students who show up an advantage. Thanks Cindy!

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ECON114 . Benelli C A 9 Months Ago

She's an awesome person and very relaxed and understanding. I see why other people say she is unorganized, but it will never inflict upon your grade. The class is so chill and kind of interesting. Very relaxed class. ESPECIALLY for an econ class.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 9 Months Ago


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ECON114 . Benelli C A 10 Months Ago

The prof is pretty chill but I don't think I can ever take another class with them again. When the reviews were claiming that they're very unorganized, I honestly thought it couldn't be that bad. But it is that bad!! Our first exam wasn't hard, but the questions/topics were inconsistent with what they claimed would come up on the exam.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 9 Days Ago

This class was unbelievably frustrating. While relatively easy, the tests were never what she said they would be, she was always more than 15 minutes late and never took any responsibility. I would not say do not take it if you need to but the class was a mess and it was incredibly frustrating.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 19 Days Ago

The class is very easy. The workload is light, no external reading, and the tests are very short and easy. There are also extra credit opportunities and the ability to take the final as a replacement test grade. As a teacher she is okay but is very disorganized.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

This class was difficult for no reason. Cancellation of lectures and office hours, sometimes with zero warning. The lectures were simple enough, but no access to the slides afterwards for studying. Midterms with one question each, not reflective at all of the course material. Terrible teacher who takes an easy class and makes it frustrating.

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ECON10A . Benelli C A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

She is professional and easy to work with.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

The most disorganized professor I've ever had. She always cancels office hours and slides are hard to follow even if attending lectures. Went to get a midterm during a time she designated for pick-up, and she never showed up to her office to return it. Canvas messages are cryptic and midterms are one question that don't cover relevant material.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

The worst professor I have ever had. Does not respond to emails. Does not tell you what will be on the exams. Exams were 1 question. Always canceled office hours because of "migraines". So unorganized. Did not receive a syllabus until week 3. Lectures were a joke. Only decent resource was the textbook. Cindy is the most frustrating person ever.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Hands down the worst professor I have had, at SBCC definitely do not take this class if you want to learn econ.

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114A . Benelli C A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

One of the best econ professors at UCSB. She knows her stuff when it comes to econ related materials, and she is certainly one of the most caring professors I've had at UCSB. As a professor, empathy is a vital component to being a successful and I believe that Cindy truly cares about her students. Thank you professor for everything!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

She was extremely disorganized and due dates were never very clear. Her notes are hard to follow if you don't attend lecture. However, the class material was fairly easy and interesting.

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