Economic principles will be applied to practical decision-making situations. Methods of price and output determination, capital budgeting, and choices under uncertainty. Methods of economic analysis and their application will be emphasized.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeCindy is really nice and caring. Her lectures are fun.
Honestly, the stress of this class is not worth it. It's hard to put into words how much of a mess this class was. No clear indication what would be covered on exams, completely random due date & grading schemes, grades assigned based on her mood, etc. I had no idea what my final grade would be until it was on GOLD. Would not recommend.
If you have Cindy Benelli as one of your econ professors, count your lucky stars because she truly is one of the best at UCSB. Attend lectures, do the assignments as best as you can, and communicate with her regularly and it's almost guaranteed you will get a good grade in the class. Just have fun and enjoy the ride!
Cindy is nice but sassy and very very unorganized. The syllabus said we were supposed to have 15 quizzes and we only had 4. She always says "this might be right but Im not sure" during her lectures or about the notes she posts. You're pretty much on your own in this class. There was no final, just an analysis project and an exam worth 6% in dead wk
The most disorganized professor ever. Quiz solutions and even lectures were riddled with mistakes that were never fixed. She never answered emails, and would frequently forget to post things for us. It is agonizing to watch your professor restructure the class every week because of their incompetence. Your grade is essentially a mystery. AVOID
I didn't know it was possible for a person to be so disorganized. The worst class I've taken at UCSB, not because the content is hard, but because Benelli never has any idea what is going on. I feel bad for all of the students in this class. Prof shouldn't be able to harm students' grades because of organization but she gets away with it. AVOID.