Literally the worst professor ever. My least favorite part is that she is unavailable MOST times and she answers questions by saying "I can answer that but I don't want to". Before a big project is due she deleted all the recordings making it relatively difficult to finish the project. Anyways if you can avoid taking her definitely do! ! !
This class was the worst class I've taken at UCSB. The class was so disorganized and I never knew what material we were learning. There would be random quizzes in class but never exactly knew what the material was going to be on. The grading is also confusing as the online quizzes were worth one whole point. Do not take this professor.
Was super nice but I did not learn anything from lectures or the class material provided. There are no midterms or finals, just a paper at the end. Most of my learning came from reading the textbook because all other materials Cindy uses to teach have nothing to do with the quizzes or homework.
Class is really easy if you are not a test person. Most grades come from HW, which TAs will go over in section, and one project. No final or midterms, just 4 in class quizzes and a bunch of online ones, all of which are manageable and easy. She really cares about her students and hope you to succeed. Compare to all other ECON classes, 9 is the BEST
Class content wasn't that bad. We chose the grading structure, and only had weekly hw and quizzes. However, quiz questions were confusing and prof's response to emails were infrequent. Not to mention all class content being pulled from GS before the final. If you have to take the class, just watch kahn and read the book. Avoid if you can.
Surprisingly easy class! She allowed us to construct the syllabus at the beginning of the quarter. The class voted: homework worth most, weekly quizzes rather than midterm, final project rather than exam. Slides are posted. TAs start homework with you in section so you always have guidance. I was scared of econ but Cindy made it doable!
took Econ 9. Unorganized. Unclear. A whole mess. Last minute. Makes lectures and review hard because she takes stuff off of gauchospace.
She removed all of her recordings right before our final paper so we would have to come to her office hours if we were stuck. We're all just stuck with no idea what to do at the moment and this analysis paper is due in less than 5 days.
Nice person but completely all over the place in person lectures are the most useless of any class I've ever had, I had to teach myself the entire class. She honestly is not qualified to be a professor she cannot teach
One of the most disorganized professors I've ever had. You will actually need to read the textbook in order to pass. She lets you choose the structure of the classes but both structures are horrible. Her lectures don't make any sense and you definitely need to look for help from either TA's or youtube. Its only difficult because shes very confusing
Professor Benelli was nice but her class was really confusing. Her lectures were really off-topic and unclear but the section really helps as well as YouTube videos. Her class is pretty easy as it consists of homework, quizzes online and sometimes in class but it's hard to tell when they'll be in class. The final was a creative project or paper.
Yes shes caring and understanding, but I never knew what was going on in her class. She was really disorganized and made decisions about the class on the spot. My ta was basically teaching me everything bc she was unclear. She wont fail you tho so thats good!
Like most people said, shes understanding but very disorganized. Her lectures can be hard to follow, so its really best to read the textbook before going into lecture. As long as youre reading the quizzes are doable. I actually found the final project enjoyable.
She is a nice person, but way too unorganized. She grades so slow, and TA procrastinating too much. I havent get my final grade until one week after winter break starts. Idk what she is busy about.
This was a bad semester. she helped out with grades by extra credit and corrections on work. Good person and smart professor just a bad semester. Hopefully next semester will be better.
This semester was a mess, but she understood and felt bad and helped out many peoples grades. I think if you have her in the future you will be okay and to ignore these reviews, just make sure to be ready to read and study. I think she just had a hard time adjusting to being back in school like many students.
Very sweet and understanding!
seems like a very sweet person but was the most unclear professor Ive ever had. Never was clear on what material we should be learning, cancelled quizzes the day of almost every time, never answered emails, and didnt put any grades in the entire quarter. Would not recommend, but all that being said i think I got an A bc most quizzes were online
She is a terrible teacher. She is a very nice person however and seems like if she had her stuff together she could be a very enjoyable professor. But she can not teach, something happened during coronavirus to her and its obvious she has horrible disorganization issues, anxiety, and is all over the place constantly.
Never made grades available the entire semester so there was no way of knowing how you were doing in the class. Never replied to emails and was very unhelpful in answering questions. Her lectures would get off topic so you basically have to teach yourself the entire course. Said teaching was only worth it inperson but would cancel class once a week
she is a mess. I have never been a class so disorganized. if i knew the class would of been like this i would of done it online asynchronous, her lectures are her running off topic every time. if you want to learn you have to teach yourself, she canceled two classes in a row before our first exam, and 4 classes in a row before our second exam.
Her course is disorganized. But I do find she really tries to make it better and classes recently make lot more sense than before.
the most disorganized, all over the place professor i've ever had. she's nice as a person but cannot structure a class whatsoever. never even posted the full syllabus. wasn't clear about instructions/guidelines for final project. lecture videos too vague to understand concepts enough for quizzes. wouldn't post lectures/lessons on time. not worth it
Prof. Benelli is super sweet! She really understands that students are stressed bc of the pandemic, so she has a lot of acceptance with late work and extra credit, etc. However, she is also a bit disorganized and her lectures aren't very helpful, meaning that you kind of have to teach yourself from the textbook.