Ernest Freund
200 reviews

PHYS4 . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

Very Hard and Confusing. It's his first time to teach PHYS4. DO NOT TAKE UNLESS YOU BLOW YOUR MIND.

2 helpful 1 unhelpful
PHYS1 . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

https://imgur .com/a/U0AqOYZ I have no idea why his rating is so high. In general, I have found that Freunds lectures were more confusing than helpful. Hes certainly not the worst professor, but I would say hes mediocre at best.

4 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYS1 . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

From my experience with just the Physics 1 class: He has entertaining experiments and explains concepts in very much detail. However it is fast-paced even in the lecture. The Mastering Physics online homework is tedious, and may not help you study for tests. Find the practice tests, read the questions thoroughly and fast, and crunch numbers faster.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

Once, there were many (by many I mean many) people that talked to him about their bad midterm score. Want to know his response? He said they should have gone to a community college. Good luck.

11 helpful 5 unhelpful
6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

He was an amazing prof! Very entertaining, energetic personality which is perfect for a physics class. This was my first exposure to physics, and it was a bit tricky at first but I eventually got in to the swing of things. I scored on average on both exams but destroyed the final and ended with an A-, very generous curve!

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

He was an excellent prof. for Physics. Very clear descriptions in class that cut through complicated history and theory and focused on what would be on tests. Exams are tough for sure but fair, and he preps you for all the types of problems in class, on GS, and in OH. Has clicker daily, and the homework was a bit weird, though it's a new system.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

Professor Freund is the best physics professor at UCSB! He is really caring, funny, and patient at office hours. I wasnt good at physics, but Professor Freund made physics easier for me to understand.

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6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

Exciting. Very good.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

Freund is an amazing professor more than students give him credit for! Funny, fair, and a great guy all around! Grade breakdown 45% final 20% 2 midterms 3% attendance 12% homework. utilize CLAS and you can get an A. Generous curve

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6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

There are short pre lectures and homework week through Sapling. Two midterms and a final, all MC. Posts 3 practice exams per exam to help with studying. I did each one 3 times to study and ended up getting 80%+ on each exam. Averages were in the 60s. Overall a good professor. A bit quirky and keeps getting concussed, but still lectures well.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 5 Years Ago

I really enjoyed coming to class and listening to his lectures. He's a funny guy and he knows how to teach the concepts really well and he explains how to do the complicated problems and his tests are pretty much just on what he goes over in class, so really you don't need to teach yourself anything outside of class. Just don't miss class

1 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYSICS6A . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Freund is kinda overrated... he's funny, cracks some jokes here and there, and he raps for you. He doesn't explain things super clearly and can't answer questions sometimes. Practice tests similar to actual tests, but they can get really tricky, especially for the final. The averages are really low. Make sure to go to CLAS/office hours.

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
PHYS6B . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Freund is AMAZING!! Best out of all the physics 6 series professors. Make sure to understand the practice test and finals and you will do well!

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PHYS6AB . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

I really cant say enough good things about Freud. He is the most caring professor Ive ever had at UCSB, I hope he teaches here for many more years. I have koutralakis for 6c & he really is not as caring or as good of a lecturer as Freund. His tests are SO fair and he gives a great curve. He is so dedicated that he had a concussion & still had OH

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Freund is amazing. That is all.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

If you want to do really well in this class make sure you download his practice tests and do the problems as you go along. Keep reprinting them out and go to CLAS when you need help. Tests are fair and averages are pretty low (50 for midterm and 60 for final). He's a really cool/funny professor and does clicker (3% of grade).

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6B . Freund E G 6 Years Ago


1 helpful 0 unhelpful
6B . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Amazing professor! He not only keep the subject interesting but he cares about his students, which is VERY hard to find at UCSB. Tests are difficult but do-able if you go to office hours. I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Honestly, Freund is amazing. He cares so much about his students. He's the only professor I've ever encountered who is concerned about his low test averages and takes responsibility in that. I think he's a great physics professor and his tests are hard but FAIR. GO TO OFFICE HOURS! He is literally so willing to help. His demos in class are amazing

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PHY6A6B . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Hes a very scattered teacher, definitely needs to condense and organize his lectures better. You dont need to go to class to pass as long as you review and understand the homework and practice tests. He also uses unusual variables in comparison to standard physics. Wouldnt take again.... however best out of the 6 series teachers.

0 helpful 2 unhelpful
PHYS1 . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

Tries pretty hard to appeal to his "younger" audience, so get ready for his totally relatable jokes. Fair grader, multiple choice exams that are straightforward. Pushed HW deadlines back consistently throughout the quarter (don't know if he planned to do this but it was nice). Cool demos, good prof to ease you into the Physics series.

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6A . Freund E G 6 Years Ago

"If you don't get it, you better figure it out before the test." That quote by him sums up his teaching pretty well. Occasional marginally funny jokes makes lecture a bit more bearable. Seems like a nice dude 1-on-1

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
PHYS6B . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Hilarious, e(a)rnest, and caring professor. Pay close attention to his lectures and really understand the practice midterms to do well on his tough exams. I found his lectures to be a bit confusing and boring at times, but he shares interesting and entertaining stories. He's very approachable!

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PHYS6B . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

- Great professor to listen to, can jump around on concepts though - I find it helpful to read thru the textbook, most people don't - Tough exams - Highly recommend taking him for 6c during the summer

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