Ernest Freund
200 reviews

PHYS6A . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

Professor Freund is clear, helpful, and hilarious. He does great demonstrations with the students.

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PHYSICS6A . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Practice practice practice especially if this is your first physics course like me. Not much homework midterm and final make up your whole grade. His lectures are disorganized at times and go really quickly so make sure you ask a lot of questions if you''re stuck. He''s a really funny guy full of energy fair grader.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Prof Freund is a great guy! Pretty hilarious actually, and a good teacher as long as you're keeping up with the class. It's easy to get behind though, especially in summer, so go to class and pay attention and you'll do fine.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Ernest is the best! I heard physics is harder over the summer, but he made it so much fun! This is the only class I never missed a lecture. He is a GREAT guy, and has the funniest jokes ever. Tests are straightforward. DO the practice tests and you'll get an A.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Professor Freund was great! I was nervous about taking physics because I had heard it was so hard from the people that took it during the school year, but Freund made everything understandable and kept the class engaged. Really funny!! Text book wasn't really necessary. CLAS helped a lot too, Vince was great!

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PHYSICS6A . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Without a doubt, the best physics professor I have ever had. He does an amazing job of making material to easy to understand. 10/10 would recommend!

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PHYS6B . Freund E G 10 Years Ago

Best Physics professor at SB. The physics departments needs to make this guy a full-time professor and not jut the summer. He simplifies all the concepts so that bio majors like myself can actually understand and "enjoy" learning the topics

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PHYS6B . Freund E G 11 Years Ago

Great Professor. Definitely recommend taking any class he teaches. Tests are straight forward.

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PHYS6AB . Freund E G 11 Years Ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I had no interest in physics whatsoever. Freund made it interesting and engaged students as much as possible. Very cool prof. His exams were very straight forward and gave practice exams that helped A LOT.

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PHYS6AB . Freund E G 11 Years Ago

Funny, easy-going professor. Lectures are somewhat mandatory to attend because of iclicker points, but you will want to go anyway because he has great demos, explanations, and makes the lectures entertaining, plus he is probably the most attractive professor at UCSB. His exams are VERY similar to the practice exams, so learn those and you're golden

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 11 Years Ago

Great professor. Tests are very similar to practice exams. Easy going, funny. Makes physics a lot more enjoyable than other professors. Easily the best physics professor at ucsb

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

So, bascially the class is tough, many people who took IB physics in high school had trouble in his class! It is hard! Final was really difficult but excellent curve. homework kinda hard but not helpful for the tests. study what is from class because it appears on the test! in my class, stuff appeared but nobody new so average was still terrible!

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

Freund is a fun guy and an alright teacher. he seemed really busy this quarter with other things and didn't put that much time into the class. He was lazy on the midterms and gave us a lot of questions that we had seen in class or clicker questions. Other than that he is pretty easy. If you put enough time in you can get an A.Big curve if necessary

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

Professor Freund is GREAT. His tests are really hard but if you study how he tells you to study you'll do fine, the curve is huge. He's so nice, helpful, hilarious. ...Hot.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

His tests are hard. Study the clicker questions, one of the midterms will be ALL clicker questions and the class avg will suck. Go to class and pay attention since some of his problems come from class examples. The homework wasn't really that helpful, but you need it for your grade, and its not that hard to get a good grade on it.

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PHYS110 . Freund E G 15 Years Ago


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PHYS1 . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

By far my favorite teacher. Really helped me learn. I'm going to try and have my mom meet him when she visits over break. What a catch.

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PHYS101 . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

Ernetst rocks but he probably shouldn't wear his purple shorts anymore.

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PHYS2 . Freund E G 15 Years Ago

His multiple choice tests were actually really hard and many of the questions were not worded as properly as they should have been. He also doesn't give enough space to work out the problems.

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PHYS2 . Freund E G 16 Years Ago

I absolutely love Freund! His tests are so hard but he is so sweet! He is the nicest and most caring professor on campus. Freund is extremely helpful and explains things well. He really cares about his students. I had him for physics 1 and 2 and he is just a really cool guy. his lectures are very entertaining...especially the bowling ball incident

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PHYS2 . Freund E G 16 Years Ago

If Professor Freund was a Peacock, he would have the most beautiful tail, but he would have a funny gobble cus that dood is goofy. YA FREUND WOOT WOOT WOOT.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 16 Years Ago

Hottest Prof Ever. Doesnt matter that lectures are mandatory cause you'll want to go anyway, they're very interesting and u have a nice view. As much as i hate physics i think i would take this class again just to look at him. =]

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 16 Years Ago

Easy first midterm, impossible second midterm (48% average!), decent final. Freund is a hesitant teacher, but not too bad. I don't see why everyone else says he's "excellent" - he was okay. Not great, not bad. Didn't really prepare us for the stuff that was coming up on the test though. Overall pretty tough class. Lots of homework, too.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 16 Years Ago

Hard midterms and easy final. His lectures were very useful and he did his best to make physics interesting. The textbook is HUGE.

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