Ernest Freund
200 reviews

PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Very cool, fun professor, but too chill. Scattered, unorganized teaching, but when he does teach he does it really well. Wished he goes over the exam problems more often. His exams are way more difficult than what he covers in lecture, section, and homework. Reading the book doesn't help much. AP Physics helped me for the most part of this class.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

He's approachable, smart and funny. A bit scattered. Be prepared to do a lot of self-directed learning if you want to do well in this class. His tests are insanely (unfairly?) hard and take concepts he goes over briefly in class to the next level. Outdated lecture / test notes. Worst grade I've ever gotten in a class and I studied really hard.

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6B . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Freund is a great professor, teaches well especially for such a conceptual subject. Pay attention in class and you'll do well, iClickers count towards your grade anyways. He's always willing to help, I try to take him for every physics class.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Probably the best option for any lower division physics courses at UCSB. That being said, he is not as great as people say he is. He has messy lectures that puts people to sleep. He uses MasteringPhysics, which is honestly the worst website for homework and for learning the material. He also reuses old material from a different class (6A).

2 helpful 8 unhelpful
PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Prof. Freund is a great guy and his lectures are really easy to follow. The only negative thing I find about him is he is somewhat unorganized in his powerpoints. So it's difficult to get notes if you miss class. But, if you do attend class, he is great at explaining concepts

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

I like Prof. Freund's class. Professor Freund knows how to explain concepts to his students. I never had a hard time understanding him. However, his lectures sometimes put me to sleep.

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PHYS1 . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Freund's class is an absolute joy to experience. He knows his stuff and is good at expressing it to the students. He fields even the worst questions with ease. He's extremely funny and cares about students as individuals. Very clear about what we should know and when things are due. Flexible to students' requests. Way better than the other options.

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PHY6A . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

He is a very adorable dude. He gets shy and makes funny jokes. But the tests are HARD. Very Very Very Hard. Multiple choice and still have no idea what to do hard.

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PHY6A6B . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Do the practice tests, and follow along with the steps he takes to do problems during lecture. Practice is key. Funny dude.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

What a great guy. If you're taking physics Freund is a must. He's funny, he's happy to explain things to you, he's approachable. I'm scheduling my whole next quarter around making sure I have him again for 6B

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6A . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Definitely attend class as he goes over concepts and practice problems. Homework is online and pretty challenging. Tests are very difficult. Would recommend studying every day and not waiting until the last minute. You must really understand the equations and the concepts and know how to apply to each other or you will struggle on tests/in class.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 7 Years Ago

Freund is undoubtedly one of the best Physics professors I've had. His lectures are relatively entertaining and quite informative. He posts a lot of resources and study materials on Gauchospace but I'd still recommend going to lecture, as he goes into more depth on notes and uses iClicker questions for attendance. Tests are pretty difficult.

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PHYS2 . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

His lectures lack some depth. He's also a bit scatterbrained. But he is good at breaking down difficult problems and explaining them part by part. He's always in a good mood and easy to approach with confidence.

7 helpful 1 unhelpful
6A . Freund E G 8 Years Ago


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PHYS6B . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

Hes a chill dude, but half the time he seemed confused. His tests were fair if you put in the time. CLAS was the real life saver. But if you're willing to put in effort outside of lecture he's a good professor because he's hilarious and give out extra credit for the homework.

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PHYS6B . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

He's got some real nice forearms.

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PHY6A6B . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

I LOVE him. Good luck finding another professor that care about their students more than Freund does. During the final I was asking a question and afterwards he check in with me to see if I feel ok about the test. It's so hard to believe ucsb doesnt make him a full time teacher.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

Do the practice tests!!!!! Great teacher, great guy.

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PHY6A . Freund E G 8 Years Ago

DO THOSE PRACTICE MIDTERMS!!! They will save you because most of his exams are just like his practice ones. Once you understand the concepts and how to solve each problem, then you'll be fine. His lectures are confusing because they are a bit confusing, but other than that he's an awesome professor! He's hilarious and chill af!!!!

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6B . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

Freud does a lot of example problems in class. He doesn't really explain the theory behind concepts and doesnt define variables. He changes the problems on the test so they're different from examples in class, so really understand the examples. Don't just try to memorize them. Try to understand the why because that's what will get you the A.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

Freund is such a chill professor. His midterm and final are very similar to the practice ones so if you do those (and understand those problems), you'll do very well.

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PHYSICS102 . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

What will help you pass the class? Attend the lectures. The tests are identical to the problems that he does in class. If you review the material he posts and take good notes, you'll get a B easily. The effort you put in really makes a difference. He likes puns.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

Pretty cool guy in general, but he went really fast during lecture. You have to constantly keep up with his pace to understand the material of the class because he goes through the material quickly. His midterm and final were like past exams so study any past exams that he posts on Gauchospace. Take CLAS and go to his office hours if you want help.

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 9 Years Ago

He's seriously awesome. Enough said.

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