Bryanna Sylvester
348 reviews

CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Great lecturer for Chem1C! Material covered in class is a solid intro, but practicing textbook problems and ALEKS are a must to do well. Uses the hardest/challenge problems from the textbook on tests. Practice tests and quizzes help a lot.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Her exams are fine if you studied the practice exams. She doesn't curve as much if the average is good! Just do book problems and practice exams. Also choose the graded ALEKS option since it's much helpful!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel makes the horrors of general chemistry seem bearable. She is super sweet and gives you many opportunities to pass the class with her grading style. You really have to pay attention in lecture (handwritten notes benefit you more) and I recommend choosing the graded ALEKS option because the extra points really do help in the end!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Best Professor!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Goes over all the easy stuff in class and gives super hard book problems which are never on the test. Both midterms have questions from the practice midterms on gauchospace. The final is super hard and has problems you've never seen before.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel does all her notes on the chalkboard and hardly uses the slides at all. This makes it pretty hard to get info if you miss class. However, if you're like me and learn really well from having someone walk you through the problem, Kunkel is the professor for you. As long as you don't skip class, all you really have to do are the practice exams.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

She is a very nice lady but her tests are really hard. Do the book problems and as many practice exams as possible.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 5 Years Ago

Kunkel is a firm believer in chalkboards, and doesn't post slides from lecture. So, if you miss class for whatever reason, you're screwed. That being said, she's a fantastic lecturer and walks through every step of the problems she does on the board. Also, DO PRACTICE QUIZZES AND EXAMS. Exams are tough only if you don't study.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Her tests are insanely harder than the other chem professors. Her lectures are deceiving because her tests are not covered by lecture. She does easy problems in class and at a very slow pace. Do book problems and practice tests. Tests are impossible to finish cause every single problem is calculation. My advice is to take someone else.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Things started out ok, in lecture she makes everything seem very easy. BUT her tests are not an accurate representation of the lectures. The tests are way harder than anything you'll ever see in class. Don't take her. I had to retake Chem1B with Price and the difference was night and day. choose Price if you can

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

The lectures were fine. She read off her notes and copied everything on the blackboard. However, tests were so much harder than lectures made it seem. The examples she chose to do in class are of no use studying cause she chose the easiest examples to show. Almost all test questions were calculations. So do book problems like she recommends.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Her lectures are simplified, which is great when introducing a hard topic at first, but to deeply understand whats going on lectures are not useful. Make sure to do hard book problems, and other materials, and do study on your own. Her tests can be hard, but it can be prepared for with lots of problems. CLAS is not bad either.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Thanks Kunkel for including a whole unit we never learned in the 1B final. Don't take her class unless you want to pretty much learn the whole thing on your own if you want to do well on her tests. Her lectures cover bare minimum of this class and the test questions are hard and unexpected. No need to screw your students so much, but she does.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

Kunkel is a good professor in general chem. Ber lecture is clear and pretty easy to follow. Besides, her exams are not hard. As long as you go through the lecture notes and do enough past exams, you don't even need to do the book problems and ALEKS, you will do well in her class. A Good choice for general chem.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 6 Years Ago

She don't seem to understand class material very well. she would just list equations on blackboard by copying from the notes she is holding with little explanation of the background of the equation. then she would give a super simple example question which can be directly solved by plug in, however don't expect these type of questions on test.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

Kunkel is a quirky professor and her class is reasonable up to the final. However, her final is ridiculously hard and she provides no practice problems that compare to what is on the final, but the class is curved so she isn't a bad choice. I would highly recommend taking Price if possible even if it doesn't fit your schedule perfectly.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

Lecture is easier than the exams so do a ton of the "additional" and "challenge" problems to study. She likes to trick you. Got an 80 on both midterms but a 96 on the final, A in the class. The final has a lot of old midterm questions and book problems, nothing she makes up herself really so do practice and you'll essentially know all the questions

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

Kunkel's exams are unpredictable. You'd think that because she quickly, nonchalantly mentions a concept that it's not very important... but nope. Everything's in play. She breezes through everything, and it's difficult to keep up during lectures. And it doesn't help that she doesn't have a powerpoint to go with her lectures. TAKE PRICE

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

Took Price for Chem 1A and 1B and had a much better experience than I am having with Kunkel in Chem 1C. Her tests and quizzes are very hard. Don't expect her old exams and quizzes to be like her current ones. The old tests and quizzes were very easy in comparison to the ones she now gives. Mostly lectures from the chalkboard. Take someone else.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

I think Kunkel is a great teacher. I had her for 1A and 1B and am taking her for 1C. If you do all the book problems and practice quizzes, you'll do fine on the tests. I did all the recommended book problems and practice exams and got an A in 1B. The difficulty of 1B is not kunkel's fault and a lot of people are blaming her for their bad grade...

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

Had Price for 1A and had a great experiences with him. Kunkel is less organized which took me a minute to get used to. Lectures are a lot less structured than Price's so you have to pay attention. I suggest finding and doing the most difficult questions you possibly can in preparation for finals and midterms.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

-Took her for chem 1a and was significantly harder for chem 1b -Go to CLAS, do textbook problems, do CLAS practice problems, do her practice exams -Do graded ALEKS for extra grade boost -Class is curved, but don't depend on it

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

She is a decent lecturer and prepares you pretty well. Her tests and quizzes are pretty tough, although the final is harder than them. To get an A do book problems and review Iclicker questions.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 7 Years Ago

I heard many good things about Kunkel in Chem 1A, so I decided to take her chem 1B course. It was terrible. Lectures were heavy and fast, and the practice tests did not look like the actual tests. The actual tests were also too long, so most people did not even finish. Don't take her for chem 1B. Seriously.

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