Bryanna Sylvester
348 reviews

1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 26 Days Ago

Sylvester talks really fast and often doesn't explain topics fully. Just go to CLAS, fully understand each topic and go over book problems. You will be fine, curve is great, she provides wonderful practice exams almost identical to the real exam. Its work, but it is possible to pass!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

not good. not okay.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

She is quick but explains material in an understandable way. Exams are SUPER easy and the practice exams on Canvas are almost identical. Aleks is easy just be on top of it.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

It was so difficult for me to stay engaged during her lectures for she never seemed to care about the content. Lectures were fast so I recommend book problems. Difficult class all together and prefer price

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

I loved Sylvester and would highly recommend. Her practice tests are exactly like the tests and she really wants you to succeed. She puts together countless resources to make you more confident before tests. Lectures can be fast but CLAS will help if you need more time with a topic. She also records every lecture so is very flexible with attendance

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I honestly liked Sylvester. This was my 2nd time in 1A, so maybe that's why. I found her lectures to be much simpler and more of an overview than Price's. That does mean much of your learning happens through the Aleks and book problems, but you kinda have to do that anyway for Gen Chem regardless of ur prof. Sweet & funny lady, helpful during OH.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Pretty much just shows up, lectures, and leaves. Doesn't seem very personable and her lectures are quite difficult to understand as she speeds through them. She's also difficult to get genuine help from, which I guess makes sense because there are so many students. I recommend Price for gen-chem. (The rating below mine is pretty accurate lol)

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Horrible teacher literally has such an ego imposes harsh grading penalties and won't admit bias or favoritism, makes determinations on students regardless of fairness and won't stop talking about herself during class. Test material is barely covered days before the exam and office hours are useless. Take literally any other teacher

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Chem 1A is definitely a difficult class. However, Sylvester's tests are very similar to the practice exams which is very helpful. If you do all the practice exams, attend and pay attention in lecture, and do the book problems, you'll be just fine! Sylvester seems super caring and keeps her lectures light-hearted.

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CHEM1AB . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I had Sylvester for 1A/1B, and I thought she was a great professor! Her lectures move very fast and are straight forward though so make sure you get help when you need it. The exams cover lots of material, so doing the practice tests/book problems are essential. Although the course is not easy, it is doable if you really put in the work and study!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Chem 1A as a whole isn't too difficult, but it's definitely not a course that you can put zero effort in and expect to pass. In my opinion, the material on the first midterm is the stuff you REALLY want to nail down (midterm 1 can be a rude awakening for new students). Just practice what to use and when to use it and you should be good

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Sylvester was the greatest teacher for a freshmans transition from high school to college. She genuinely cared about students and tried to make lectures as funny as possible. Your grade is only based on ALEKs and tests. DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS!!!!

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Prof. Sylvester is honestly (in my opinion) the best chem professor for gen chem at UCSB. I missed the last two weeks of lectures because I was out sick yet I managed to get a B+ after the curve. Her lecture videos saved me. Make sure to do the textbook problems and practice exams and you'll do great.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Sylvester was a great professor. I had her for Chem 1A and I really enjoyed her class. She is super helpful, caring and every time I went to her office hours, she helped me to understand the material. The tests were pretty difficult so take advantage of her practice tests. Although, after the final she had a curve and it helped significantly.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

I enjoyed Professor Sylvester's lectures. I skipped the last three weeks of class but still managed to pass with an A using her lecture videos and midterms (still recommend going to lecture). The practice exams are the same as the actual exams so highly recommend studying those. She responds to emails quickly. She's funny too. Really liked her.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

She is very much a self learning professor. If you miss something with her, she tends to not reexplain the steps. You can't just learn the stuff she does in class well, you must do book problems. The thing about this class is the content isn't actually too hard, but you have to teach yourself most of it. Do the practice exams repeatedly. Use CLAS.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I liked her straightforward teaching style in CHEM 1A. She taught just enough content, all relevant to the exams. I had a bad chemistry experience in high school, but her enthusiasm for chemistry and her simple, legible notes motivated me to attend lectures. I also did all the ALEKS, book probs, and practice tests to achieve my desired grade.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Very straightforward and kind professor. Very helpful during office hours and had the easiest exams. Only says what needs to be said, and is very nice.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Fair class, kind teacher, arguably the easiest exams among Gen Chem professors. She isn't the lecturer that Price is, but her exams are for sure easier.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

She is an amazing professor who will teach you everything you need to know for the midterms and exams. She didn't make us do the book problems but instead seemed to pull a lot of the exam material off of aleks so make sure you really understand the modules. Always go to the lectures, its just better in person with the live questions people ask.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

She is straightforward and covers the material well. The first midterm was a bit of a time crunch but the second midterm and final are much easier. Doing all the practice tests will prepare you well for the tests.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Extremely hard exams that have nothing to do with review questions.

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1A . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Just don't. Extremely hard exam and has nothing to do with class review questions.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Great lectures. Make sure you do all the textbook questions recommended by the professor so you can succeed in exams.

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