Bryanna Sylvester
348 reviews

CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 12 Years Ago

I love Kunkel! Great professor and fair class. Go to lecture and CLAS, study hard and you will do well. And... DON'T PANIC!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 12 Years Ago

Kunkel is probably the easiest teacher I've ever had. Her tests are remarkably easy compared to the other chem teachers and she goes over tons of examples in class. if you want an easy A but not really learn much chem take her.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 13 Years Ago

Professor Kunkel is a true character. Her lectures brighten up the subject and engages her students. She is fairly lenient in grading and her tests are not too challenging. Pleasure to be in her class!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 13 Years Ago

Bryanna Kunkel is a fun an interesting teacher here on campus. Her dry yet funny sense of humor keeps students captivated with her lectures and I enjoy attending her class each day.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 13 Years Ago

Professor Kunkel is a pretty good teacher overall. I recommend taking her Chem class over the others because she is a very easy grader in comparison to the other professors (from what I have heard).

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 6 Months Ago

Beware of taking this class async during the summer!! Recorded lectures from COVID era, so probably little time and resources for Sylvester to prepare these then. Handwriting and videos can be hard to understand, a couple things not taught that were on tests. Overall seems like a nice person, but definitely take this class in person if possible.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 7 Months Ago

I took Chem1A and B with Joseph and 1C with Sylvester. Personally I like Joseph's lecture style better than Sylvester's, but frankly speaking she is also definitely one of the best gen chem lecturers. Very organized. Although she talks very fast, so it takes some time to adapt to it. Midterms are very easy and the final is significantly harder.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 8 Months Ago

Love her. She's great, easy midterms but insanely hard final. Super kind and funny person. Hard just because it's Chem, and there's wasn't really a curve because our midterms were so easy (80&86 avg).

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 8 Months Ago

Her lectures are organized and there are videos posted online which is nice. The midterms were chill but the final was significantly harder so be prepared for that (do the book problems!). The final can replace your lowest midterm score and the class is curved at the end which is nice. If you put in the work, you can be successful in this class!

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 8 Months Ago

She teaches very fast, so I recommend skipping lectures and just watching the pre-recorded ones on the Canvas page. The first two exams are easy and exactly like the practice tests on Canvas. However, the final was unnecessarily hard, and unlike the first two midterms. I had an A coming into the final, and ended up with a B+ which sucks.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 10 Months Ago

Professor Sylvester is probably the best intro-chem series professor that the school offers (which is not saying alot). Her lectures are extremely well organized and she provides a lot of resources for you to succeed. The course is just extremely hard, so be prepared to log many hours studying.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Professor Sylvester is a great teacher and super kind. I'm not the best at chemistry, but I'm really grateful for all of the resources she provides to get help. The tests are challenging and cover lots of material, but thanks to the amazing curve I was able to pass this class. Sylvester is great and I definitely recommend taking her for Gen Chem!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Sylvester was the best chem professor I ever took. Writes things down on the whiteboard and doesn't post direct notes (she has videos) but I liked that because I'm a slow writer and learner. Content is difficult but she's an amazing prof and made it very easy for me. I like her way more than Anyika and Price even (sorry price ily)

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CHEM1 . Sylvester B M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

watching CLAS videos was more helpful than her lectures. she teaches super fast and expects you to keep up. She never explains why or how, only what. kind of unwelcoming presence, you feel scared to ask questions. if you want to do really well on exams start studying 2 weeks before, practice exams!! this class will consume your life.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Lectures are really great and straightforward. Exams are easy if you do the practice exams.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Took Joseph Anyika n Sylvester for genchem. Retook chem1C w/sylvester. I feel like ppl r gatekeeping her because her tests compared to joseph's and anyika's are SO much easier. U still have to study but not anywhere near as brutal as the other 2 profs (her book probs r easier tbh). she only puts EXACTLY what she goes over in class on tests!!

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Had Sylvester for first 2/3 of 1B then got switched with Anyika. Sylvester was straightforward and posted lecture videos that covered exactly what was on exams. Had very fair exams with Sylvester but after switching with Anyika, the final was much more difficult. Not as good as Price, but much more straightforward than Joseph.

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CHEM1C . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

i took this class online. do all the book problems and then redo them, but even that might not prepare you for the final exam :(

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Sylvester is terrible at explaining key concepts. If you ask questions, she's really no help at all. I often felt more confused after she explained things than if I learned things just out of the book and ALEKS. I strongly recommend taking a different professor for the gen chem series.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

really be prepared to focus in her class. do the aleks and dedicate your time to self-learning and reviewing the content because it's hard to follow along through the way she teaches

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

That final was so out of pocket nothing could have prepared me for it. Previous exams were nothing like it. The examples in lecture are so different from what you are tested on. The final though was just unbelievable.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

You may think you know what you are getting yourself into by taking Chem 1B with Bryanna Sylvester. You do not. The class average on the final was a 50 percent. 50% !!! All the practice and teaching she gives you could never reflect the difficulty of her exams. Would not recommend to a friend.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Fine up until the final. It did not relate whatsoever to any lecture, book problem, midterm or practice test. I honestly think she pulled the problems out of thin air. She also did not teach a single in person lecture, but still wrote the final.

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CHEM1B . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

I really am a nice person. But Im here crying because she cant be bothered to explain things thoroughly. This is the first review Ive literally ever done. She wasnt even in class all semester because she had COVID and never explains her examples well so the exams are impossible. This is my 2nd quarter with her so Ik Im not being harsh.

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