Topics covered: atomic structure of matter; reaction stoichiometry; solution stoichiometry; gasses; quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of atoms; chemical bonding (molecular shapes, hybridization, and molecular orbital theory).
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor is very clear in both lectures and setting expectations for the class. Though she doesn't take attendance, you should attend all lectures to fully take in all the material. Do all the assignments and study and you should be fine in her class. The toughest part of this course is one midterm score can make or break your grade.
This class was extremely challenging, you must be on top of ALEKS, study every week, and go to lectures. If you get stuck with a bad TA for section, good luck, my TA was arrogant and wasn't very kind to those of us who were suffering. Very test heavy, you must do the textbook problems, they WILL show up on exams. Sylvester is very sweet and funny.
Caring teacher who has clear expectations on grading and curves. The first midterm hits hard if you aren't ready, but the end-of-course curve is really nice.
Sylvester's lectures are a bit fast paced, but she gives you all the tools needed to succeed. Do as many book problems as possible (some book problems are harder than test questions but help you really understand topics), and take all the practice tests (with a timer).
Most of your grade is based on two midterms and a final. She provides practice exams for the midterms and the final, but not all questions are identical. Some textbook problems have also appeared as exam questions. This course can be challenging, but it's definitely doable--ask questions, go to CLAS tutorial groups, STUDY EARLY!
Sylvester is great+funny, but this class drained my soul like a fifteen-year-old laptop's battery. She curved after the final, but grade was based on two midterms and a final (+ALEKS completion). So if ur like me & don't test well, sorry ur screwed. I would rather breastfeed a snapping turtle than ever go near this class again + ALEKS is hell