PSY 183
Alan Fridlund
493 reviews

PSY103 . 9 Years Ago

What more can be said about Fridlund? He's a master at what he does. Brilliant researcher and even better professor. It's a shame he doesn't teach a wider variety of courses. If I could take Fridlund for the rest of my required psych courses I would do so in a heartbeat. Take his classes you will not regret it. He's enriched my education immensely.

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PSY103 . 9 Years Ago

I took both Psych 1 and Psych 103 with Fridlund. He is actually the reason why I decided to be a psychology major. Absolutely brilliant man and is so charismatic; great lecturer. When you attend his lectures, you want to be his friend. He's absolutely awesome and his tests are solely based on what is taught in class. I received A's in both classes.

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PSYCH103 . 9 Years Ago

I'm a 4th year biopsych student and this turned out to be one of my favorite classes. It was really interesting and you learn everything for the exams by going to class.

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PSY103 . 10 Years Ago

The man is absolutely bonkers in the best way possible. A lot of the material can be kind of dry and easy to mix up, but his personality definitely goes a long way in relaying the important pieces. I can see why this class may be difficult for non-psych majors, but it is an absolute must for anyone in a psychology-related field

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Interesting lectures, he has a ton of interactive visual aids to help clarify topics. Like everyone else said, know the fair game sheet, not just memorize it. The midterm and final are multiple choice, but based off of concepts, not definitions. Get the Aplia book; it's only slightly more than the textbook plus it'll give you 5 extra points.

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103 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is very entertaining and his class is so interesting! Going to class is pretty important and skimming the book is always good to do! A lot of meds to memorize but overall a great class. Just attend and pay attention and you should be fine :)

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is not a great professor. The entire course was graded on a midterm and final, and then he makes you buy an $80 program (Aplia) for 5 stupid points.

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PSCYH1 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is not a very good teacher. The book is expensive and you can't buy an old one OR sell one back to the bookstore. Also it's not very useful. As a lecturer, his slides are confusing in layout and he adds demeaning comments to get people's attention. Not a good psych class.

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is such a fun professor! His lectures tend to get irrelevant though, but his stories are really funny. Know all the terms on the Fair Game sheet. I mean it when I say you have to KNOW the terms. His tests do not test you on the terms' definitions but on their applications. Fill it out as the quarter progresses, and you're good to go!

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Study the fair game sheet and you'll be fine. Interesting class. Aplia and the textbook were helpful as well.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Such a hard class, but very interesting. Would recommend taking if interested at all in Psychology. Midterm is slightly harder than the final, and the each exam as well as the entire class is curved. Fridlund will curse during lecture, which always gets a lot of laughs. DO NOT start studying for these exams the day before at ALL COSTS!!!

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is a really great lecturer. The midterm is way harder than the final but if you study the fair game sheet and make sure you know the readings well, you will do great. getting an A is attainable if you attend section, lectures, do the FG sheet and study. The section about Evolution and Darwin isn't covered in the textbook, only in class.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

He is a bad professor in my opinion. Amazing person and his lectures are fun but like he's not very helpful when it comes to your tests. FAIR GAME SHEET i mean you can study it but the tests are way harder.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Frilund's an awesome professor. His lectures keep you engaged, and the class is extremely basic: JUST STUDY THE FAIR GAME SHEET. The readings aren't necessary, but they are very interesting. Great class over all. It's easy if you try!

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Lectures can be a bit boring, but Fridlund share's fun personal stories which makes it tolerable. Slightly annoying that grade is based only on midterm, final, research requirement and extra credit. Readings aren't mandatory, but helpful. Overall a good class and not too difficult as long as you study Fair Game sheet.

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PSYCH103 . 10 Years Ago

Absolutely LOVED this class and teacher. If you go to lectures and complete the study guide it is an easy A, and an interesting one! I'm not a psych major so I was worried, but Fridlund made the class so enjoyable. His tests were fair and he was great to talk to at office hours as well. He really cares about students, and it shows.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Interesting lecturer. I thought he was funny. The course material was interesting too though. The reading is not necessary, but is helpful.

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Really interesting class. Lecture is very entertaining but sometimes not too related to the material. Study the fair game sheet, I didn't study, never opened the text book but attended lectures and sections and ended up with a c (would have gotten a b if I did the research credit and got 2 or 3 more questions right on the final)

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Aplia gives you 10 course points out of about 250 points possible(but he will curve the class in the end so the total might be even less. STUDY THE FAIRGAME SHEET. study all of it and make sure you understand it & not just memorize the definition. Lectures & sections are important because it covers things not in the textbook!. Midterm 80% Final 95%

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Fridlund is such a GREAT professor! I definitely recommend this class. Study the Fair Game sheet for the midterm and final and you'll be fine. Absolutely loved this class!

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

He is a very funny teacher, but his lectures were very pointless. He goes on random tangents in class which takes up a lot of the time. Start on the fair game sheet early and know what is on it in more detail.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Great class to take. The readings at first seem daunting, but you only need to read the topics that correspond to the fair game sheet. DOING ALL OF THE READING IS A WASTE OF TIME. All you need to know is on the FG sheet. Also I would recommend going to lecture because he gives great examples that help you memorize key terms.

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Take this class! It's very interesting and he gives you the tools to pass and will remind you throughout the quarter, especially after the midterm. Definitely study in groups, but mainly before the midterm and final, because that made the difference. Just go to lecture, do the reading based off his fair game sheet, go to section, and you will pass!

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PSYCH1 . 10 Years Ago

Take this class! The professor is a cool guy, the class itself is interesting and he gives you the tools to pass and constantly reminds you, especially after the midterm. Definitely study in groups, but you only really have to pull it off both before the midterm and final. Do the readings based off the fair game sheet, go to lecture, you'll do fine

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