PSY 183
Alan Fridlund
493 reviews

PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Great lecturer - very interesting. He posts slides online but going to lecture is worth it because there's a lot of information that isn't on there. I didn't do most of the reading but I did use the textbook when something was unclear. He's very clear about what will be on his tests - study the fair game sheets he provides and you'll do fine.

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PSY103 . 9 Years Ago

This class was very interesting and Fridlund was a great lecturer. He certainly kept the class interesting. No need to buy the overpriced textbook, just go to lecture and print out the slides from gauchosapce. Make sure to keep up with the material and start review early to be successful

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

I love his lectures, he grades you on your mid-term and final so do well. Section doesn't count for participation, personally I didn't go. There were some questions on the tests that pertained to section only, so go. You absolutely need the text book, be prepared to read. If you don't read you won't get the tests.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is a great lecturer and is passionate about psychology. No need to attend lecture because powerpoint are online. Absolutely no need for textbook. Test are very difficult and require A LOT of studying. Make sure to know fair game sheet inside and out

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is my favorite professor at UCSB. There is only a midterm and a final. Midterm was tough, but final was easier (as long as you study). He gives a study guide (fairgame) for both the midterm and final. If you want to pass, then attend all lectures and sections, READ, and study the fairgame sheet!

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

I love his lecture style! He always makes lectures interesting despite how boring the materials are (esp the brain chapter). However, as many others mentioned, this class is 40% midterm and 60% final and that sucks. I got a C-in midterm, changed grading to pnp but got an A in the final so ended up with a B. Wish i never changed it.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is a very funny engaging professor. His grading is based only off of the midterm and final so its important to study. You should pass though if you study everything off of the fair game sheet he provides for you. Don't neglect studying the textbook though, questions on the exam are there too and do the experiment stuff early!

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund was hilarious! He made psychology super fun and interesting. I would definitely take this class again. However, you have to make sure you read! And form a study group! He only gives two tests and that's your grade! If you aren't the studious or reader type, DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. Unless you have a major interest in this class.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

I would recommend this class bc it's interesting stuff and not a big commitment. I never went to section, but I did go to almost every lecture and took good notes. I recommend filling out the fair game sheet along the way (thru textbooklecture) and studying with people a couple times before each exam and you'll be fine. Midterm harder than final.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is the best lecturer I have had so far. I didn't use the book or mindtap once, and I didn't join a study group like he recommends. He told us not to study with flashcards, but I did anyway and got an A-. Print out quizlet flashcards that follow the fair game sheet he gives you, be sure to Google the terms you do not understand well.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

lectures are enjoyable midterm was difficult but final was easy would recommend this class just make sure you always do the fair game sheet ahead of time and make sure you do the research credit ahead of time too

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Prof Fridlund can be arrogant and condescending most of the time. He goes off topic really often and doesn't cover a lot of material on the midterm or final. Keep up with your reading and go to section. Lecture isn't very beneficial but it helps a bit. Don't procrastinate because this class has only two grades- a midterm and final.

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PYSCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is very engaging and makes the material interesting, but section is not devoted to helping you understand the material so much as learning more of it. Midterm distribution took about 15 mins. Sometimes he was late to lecture. The biggest problem is that your final grade is based on a difficult midterm and final. Do the research credits.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund was one of the best professors I've ever had. He's the classic college professor, and he's passionate about what he teaches. I came into the class looking for GE credits but Fridlund made the class so interesting that I almost changed my major to Psych. One midterm and a final. No other grading criteria.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Alan is awesome! His lectures are pretty interesting and the fair-game sheets he posts for the midterm and final are super helpful, just make sure to fill them out as the quarter goes on so you don't have to fill it all out at the end. Sections are an hour and 15 and they don't take attendance, so they aren't super mandatory but def go to lecture.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

He had us buy $100+ online hw code. I bought the code bc it counts as 10% total grade. Somehow, there were few people messed up and did not pay for the codes, and he just decided to give everyone the HW grade. Sure it's great for those who did not pay for the code. But as someone who did pay $100 just for the online hw code, I AM PISSED OFF!

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

He's arrogant and condescending. There's one midterm and one final and they're both really hard. He makes you buy the latest edition of his textbook because he wants to make more money.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

He's a great professor overrall but his midterm is very tough! Don't study the night before for this class!! The final was a lot easier though

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

This class was really cool and I liked fridlund a lot. Your grade consists of your midterm and final and nothing else. Needless to say, it's really important to study. The final seemed easier than the midterm to me. His fair game sheet is pretty helpful, do the reading, and go to lecture.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Psych 1 was a difficult course, since it bases its entire grade on two difficult tests. But Professor Fridlund was an amazing professor, he was insightful and very funny. He made the most of this difficult class.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is a character in lecture, and he certainly makes the class entertaining. However, the textbook reading is basically useless, so just go to lecture and focus all your time on the fair game sheet (which basically includes every term every covered). The midterm was harder than the final -- Not an easy class. I studied and got a B+

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Honestly, I thought Fridlund was the best speaker and that he was really in touch with the group of students he was teaching. The material is intriguing and although I only got a C (bombed the midterm) I would recommend this class to anyone. Really study, know everything on the fairgame sheet, and take notes in section and you should be fine.

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PSYCH1 . 9 Years Ago

Concepts galore! Don't take this class if you're expecting to memorize definitions. The class consists of a midterm and final, both focusing on applications of concepts. KNOW the fair game sheet, and i mean know it!!! This class is only easy if youre willing to put in the time and effort as theres barely any curve.

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PSY1 . 9 Years Ago

Fridlund is by far the best teacher I have ever had here at UCSB. The course is pretty easy and his fair game sheet is exactly what he uses on the midterms and final. He is hilarious, out going, and really has developed my love for psychology. I was contemplating failing the course on purpose so I could spend another quarter with him.

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