Uma Ravat
121 reviews

PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Ravat always tells us not to worry about our grades and just try to focus on learning. However, the way her quizzes is formatted, along with our final being 50% of our grade with no curve makes it impossible to not worry about our grades. The material covered in the class isn't hard, but her methods of teaching make it needlessly difficult. Avoid.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Contrary to popular belief, Ravat is not a bad teacher but rather adequate. Put in the work and you'll reap the fruits of your labor. Doing the bare minimum is not going to get you an A in this class. Don't procrastinate, do all the assignments, and you'll be just fine.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Ravat gives lectures with the expectation that you will do additional learning in OHs/section (so they are MANDATORY). She is very nice in OHs and will address your concerns and follow up with you afterwards. The homeworks and quizzes are rough, so practice problems are essential. Overall this class was very stressful, but Ravat is not a bad prof

2 helpful 5 unhelpful
PSTAT12OA . 3 Years Ago

Future 120A students should note that, as surprising as it may seem, Ravat is actually on YOUR side. The department insists on the strict curve and then blames her for it. This isn't to say she's a perfect professor, but don't stress wrt curve, she curved our class *up* slightly. tl;dr I'm glad I'm not a stats major this department seems wack lol

3 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

The structure of the class was simply abysmal. There was no point going to section, because the section covers material for next week while you are trying to finish this week's homework. Also around week 8 she started narrating her lecture over prewritten notes instead of writing out concepts as she's explaining them, which made it hard to learn.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Dr. Ravat is a kind and caring professor. She explains things clear and digestible. She leaves you homework while you're allowed to discuss it with your study groups. Quizzes and tests are much easier than hw so no worries. She will grant generous curve when quarter ends. Easy A / A+ course. (but her emails are ALWAYS essay-long so be patient ;-)

2 helpful 6 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

I've never once rated a professor before & I felt that I needed to give my input on Dr. Ravat. I was afraid of not passing so I reached out to Dr. Ravat regarding the grading system. She responded with reassurance & care, and even followed up on a couple emails later for support. She is def not as bad as people say & her final grades were generous.

1 helpful 4 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

The worst professor I've ever met in UCSB!!!!!! If you do want to take Pstat 120A next quarter, DO NOT choose her. To be honest, I never gave any prof 1.0 before. The lectures were unclear and confusing. The concepts in Pstat 120a is not hard, but she made everything so confusing. The grading is tough, so DO skip her.

5 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

ravat doesnt deserve the hate she gets. the rule that only 20% can get an A is made by the pstat directors, not ravat; she was just thrown under the bus and told to say that it was her rule. in the end lots of the class was curved UP. still, this class is not easy. i thought her lectures were great, & definitely do hw early and go to office hours

7 helpful 14 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

I assume she is much nicer this quarter. Questions on quizzes and the final were really straightforward. The practice questions were definitely helpful. For things you don't understand you should always ask her during OH. Also, I found the textbook helpful. It has some good examples and exercises and can answer some of the homework questions.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

I have never been compelled to write a review for a professor until now. She is knowledgeable in her field but is very unorganized and requires tedious procedures in order to submit assignments/exams. Her handwriting is hard to read, and her lectures are very long. She is mostly kind, but it is usually unwilling to compromise on her policies.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

I felt that the lectures oftentimes skimmed over necessary info and elaborated thoroughly on less relevant info. The homework is quite difficult and graded very strictly. The entire grade is based on three quizzes and class curve is insane

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120A . 3 Years Ago

The way the class is graded is completely unfair. We have quizzes throughout the class which is heavily reflected in your grade. If you have never taken any stats class get ready to struggle. The homework is not that bad but they do mark points for every small detail you get wrong. Only 50% of students get A's and B's. Worst class yet.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Bad lecturer, super unorganized, don't really care about students. But guess what, this is the only prof in this whole school year teaching this class, so you'll have to face her, LOVE PSTAT DEPT THAT'S HOW THEY TREAT UNDERGRAD STUDENTS

2 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Half the class is scared they will fail as I am writing this. The material itself isn't extremely difficult, however, your grade will hinge on 3 quizzes as they are 30 points and 30% of your grade. You better hope your grade is good enough ahead of time to keep you afloat because the final will screw you.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

The curve she uses is so damaging. You will FAIL: If you're a bad test taker, if you don't do the homework exactly how they want it, if you have a decent grade but not 100s, if you get at all behind, if you have mental health or other outside struggles, etc. No consideration for students at all. What happened to rewarding hardworking students?

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Lectures are unorganized and don't cover enough material, homework is so difficult without collaboration, quizzes are questions you have never seen before, you don't get feedback on quizzes so you don't know what you're doing wrong, she curves downward SO harshly, she won't take any criticism and has no consideration for you outside of your work.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Ravat is easily the worst professor I've ever had. Her class is graded on an actual curve, so only the top 20% of the class of 300 people will get an A. Her homework is incredibly difficult and the graders will mark you down for little to no reason. She's inflexible and hard to understand. Do not take this professor under any circumstances.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Never been compelled to write a review for a prof before, but my god, is Ravat bad. She's the kind of professor that doesn't give a crap about helping her students if it's any inconvenience to her. Excuse to everything is "go to office hours." You literally can't absorb anything she says in her lectures. I've never hated a prof before until her

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Horrible lecture with an accent and bad handwriting, lecture was recorded too long, bored, she often stops speaking and thinks how to explain concepts. HW load is fair but deduct points in tiny details. The final exam was worst, not enough time and lot's of problems not even taught before, absolutely not recommend to take her class.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Horrible professor. Thick accent and talks too slow. Records way too much lecture than needed. She has the worst gauchospace I've ever seen. Grading is trash, for the first few assignments I got many points taken off even having the right answer at the end. Tests are not hard tho.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Unreasonably long and useless lectures not explaining important pointsAlso the quality of her lecture videos ar really bad and extremely hard to understand. Difficulty level throughout the course is not consistentNo grading record showed clearly on Gradescope for the final do not know where I received the score I have right now.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

The lectures she gives are clear and I like the examples she made in the lectures, which helps students understanding the key concepts. However, there are a lot of homework and practice problems with strict grading policy. The midterm was straightforward, but final is hard . Do all homework and practice problems carefully, and you will be fine.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Although the homework assignments and lecture material were very straightforward, the highly difficult final and strict grading curve (top 20% get As, next 30% get Bs, etc.) makes this class extremely frustrating. I did learn a lot from this class about the foundations of stats/probability, but the final doesn't accurately reflect what I learned.

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