Uma Ravat
131 reviews

PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

Yes, this course is hard, boring, and contains many contents, but Ravat is not as bad as many others say. She is willing to listen to the feedback from students and make changes. The OHs held by TAs and ULA were very helpful. The grade is heavily dependent on the quizzes/ exams.

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PSTAT120 . 2 Years Ago

TBH Ravat's class wasn't too hard, just boring. Her lecture style is comparable to Porter's but her homework/exams are complicated and I only got through it with help from the absolute GOAT of a ULA Patrick Yu. Huge difficulty spike around week 6 when she introduces double integrals, so before week 6 take time to master the basics of her class.

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

Honestly Ravat is a fairly good professor/lecturer but this class absolutely is brutal. 2/9 homeworks, 1/6 quizzes, and 1/9 quizzes dropped and 10% curve on midterm but none on final or course grade. Homework takes lots of time to write thorough solutions for and quiz problems may expect knowledge not covered in lecture (particularly series).

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

This professor is terrible, and the quiz is hard, and if you make one multiple choice question wrong, you will get 60%. The homework is literally a lot and much harder than what she talked about in the class. DON'T TAKE HER CLASS.

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PSTAT194CS . 2 Years Ago

Personally I think Uma Ravat gets a bad rap. Of the 7 professors I've had in the PSTAT dept she is 1st or 2nd for quality of instruction. 120A is a weeder course. It is not supposed to be easy. 194CS is an Upper Division Statistics class. It requires substantial work outside of class. Follow the hw submission instructions and Pay attention. ywbf

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PSTATW120A . 2 Years Ago

The only people that succeeded in this class were the ultra smart and dedicated. If you want to do well in this class you have to go so far above and beyond what is taught in lectures, which were excruciating to watch. One redeeming fact is that final grades are curved, in my class 68% in the class was good enough for a B-.

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PSTATW120A . 2 Years Ago

I would give a rating of 0 if I could.

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PSTATW120A . 2 Years Ago

Ravat really cares about her students and she listens carefully to everyone during office hours. Lectures are not mandatory. I really like that she switched Quizzes to HW in week 3 or 4, which enables me to get more practices. However, this review isn't persuading you to take her course. Other reviews are not lies. Just be prepared. This is an UD!

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

Never take her class, please. She does not know how to teach at all and has an extremely hard final exam. 90 minutes for 10 questions. That is ridiculous. The worst professor that I ever had. Please do not take her class.

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

Ravat's reputation at this point preceeds her. The most major issue about this class is how disorganized it was, since nearly every week, something about the structure of the class would change. Just another note: the homeworks **did not prepare me for the final**, despite being the only given practice material. Heavy course curve though.

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

Worst prof at UCSB. She doesn't teach at all and grades are super tough. I am surprised UCSB even pays her for how little work she does.

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

this class was very disorganized. her lectures were all over the place and she constantly changed the syllabus throughout the quarter. this class was the worst one ive ever taken tbh but the curve at the end of the quarter was very generous, i'll give her that. i wouldnt have passed the class without the curve

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

This is the worst professor anyone will ever encounter. She does not teach and the format of the class is so messy that it is hard to know what we are supposed to do. Even the TA did not know what we were supposed to do and skipped the assignment. The test and all the material have nothing in common so you might as well just not show up. Don't take

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

I mean, what else is there to say? I looked at the other ratings and thought "it can't be THAT bad", right? It is that bad. Every complaint I read was exactly spot on. It's not just that the material is difficult and the instruction is mediocre, but all the barriers they put up to learning (no recorded lectures, delayed HW solutions, etc.). Avoid.

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PSTAT120A . 2 Years Ago

The midterm was extremely different from practice exam. There were lots of problems in the midterm but only a short time to finish it. It is bad to hear from professor that why we did so bad on the midterm after spending 90% of time to review the materials. I don't know what would happen in Final.....

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120A . 3 Years Ago

Anybody who says that Ravat's class is "definetly doable as long as you stay on top of your stuff is insane." You have to know the content extremely well and solve a wide variety of tricky problems in a short timespan in order to excel under exam pressure b/c the final is half your grade. Course policies are rigid and the atmosphere is cutthroat.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

This class is difficult to say the least. Pretty sure the final exam average was below a 55. I don't think Ravat intended on making our lives difficult, I think she just struggled with structuring this class. She's human too and I feel bad that she gets hate but the class wasn't easy and the exams were uncorrelated to hw and practice problems

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

This class really cast a shadow on me. The irony is she's trying to get us interested in stats after this class. A lot of things in her class look helpful but redundant. Practice problems are important and you need to do much more exercise yourself to handle the difficulty (tricky problem + extremely tight time) of the final. Don't trust her words.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

She is crazy. The difficultly of final is depend on her mood. One quarter easy, one quarter super hard. I got almost 98% in all my math, pstat , econ courses. But I only got B- in this course. Could you believe that? Do 10 difficult questions in 1.5 hours! UCSB should not hire such an irresponsible teacher, I feel that she is not teaching . Baka

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Genuinely one of the worst professors I've had; lectures and homework aren't very useful for exams, which are incredibly time intensive. Final exam scores were so low that she decided to change the whole grading. Makes simple concepts convoluted and long, and is condescending in her lectures and when approached for help. I'd give a 0/5 if I could.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Not a good teacher. Changes her grading scheme every freaking quarter because she has no idea what she is doing. Mumbles and stutters through lectures. Online was a horrible experience with her. Makes it so hard, that if you are not an expert at solving series/summations & advanced word problems. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. AVOID, you will regret ifudont!

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Worst professor everTake her class if you want your confidence to be destroyed. Her quizzes and exams are extremely challenging. JUST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

Easily the worst class I have taken at UCSB. The homework takes days to complete and the quizzes are extremely derivative on what she has taught. The concepts arent difficult but Ravat somehow makes it basically impossible. TLDR: Run.

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PSTAT120A . 3 Years Ago

we were told not to worry about grades which is hilarious considering the fact that our final was worth 50% of our grade, was very hard considering the time constraints, consisted mostly of week 9/10 material, and had a D average. This class has made me reevaluate whether I love statistics enough to deal with stuff like this for the next 2 years

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