Anderson R W
Bob Anderson
214 reviews

132A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Just memorize everything and do the practice exams. The class really isnt that hard. The hmwk and simulation can be found on google. If youre actually invested in the class I think A/A- is very doable. I just think the teacher isnt my cup of tea.

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Really nice prof who is great at giving lectures. Class is fair - not terribly difficult but requires you to put in some work.

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Typical UC bureaucrat who gets a paycheck while not teaching students anything they couldn't learn on their own. Bob creates more work than necessary for the subject matter due to lack of clarity and the amount prep time it takes to study and pass his exams. My suggestion is to avoid him (if possible).

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Guest lecturer who refers to himself as a professor. Lots of homework and tests that seem to try and trip people up instead of teach them something. He says he runs training program and thats hard to believe based on his lack of teaching skills.

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132A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Course content doesn't always coincide with the text and discrepancies are common between material and slides. This can cause initial confusion with respect to knowing where to find correct answers. Always follow slides. He lacks proficient ability to provide clear instructions with respect to assignments and students are often confused.

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 5 Years Ago

Bob is one of the best accounting professors in the department. His lecture is engaging and thoughtful. Yes, he's tough and strict but that's his way of preparing you for the real world! Awesome class overall.

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Bob is the goat, best teacher ive had at UCSB. He is kind of strict in certain things, but if you cant handle that then your are soft. straight up

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 6 Years Ago

Tests are MC, fill-in-the-blank and handwritten. Exams are tough but occasionally he'll throw in questions unrelated to Accounting that you'll know the answer to if you attend lecture. Tough class but great professor.

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 7 Years Ago

He's a funny guy so the lectures won't bore you to death. However, the information presented is disorganized and the textbook (which sucks to read) doesn't complement the lectures at all. He doesn't prepare you for assignments and doesn't hand your work back so good luck figuring out why your grade is what it is. Thumbs down.

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ECON118 . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

Definitely the worse prof I have ever had in UCSB. very unclear grading criteria for homework, and he deducts point for turning it 3 minutes late, which can make sense if that's his rule and that is stated somewhere, but he NEVER mentioned that! u will never know why your points were deducted unless u ask him because he doesn't hand homework back.

2 helpful 5 unhelpful
ECON132A . Anderson R W 8 Years Ago

His homework policy is stringent. I tried to turn in typed homework at the end of class because I walked in late, he denied my homework, which, after he told me about the "first 5 minutes of class" policy on his syllabus, made total sense. However, he rudely and unprofessionally turned his back and walked out while I explained I was there at 8:05.

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Anderson is a very nice and interesting guy. His lecture slides are a bit confusing and the most random pieces of information from the slides would show up on the tests so watch out! He always says stuff in class that helps the kids that showed up that day so go as much as you can. Not my favorite class but still a caring and helpful professor.

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132 . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Prof Anderson is full of himself. His classes are boring, this is my third class with him. He is not available outside of his office hours, don't even try. I've had incredible econ professors here at UCSB. Bob isn't one of them

8 helpful 3 unhelpful
136A . Anderson R W 9 Years Ago

Full of himself, not helpful during office hours

12 helpful 2 unhelpful
132A . Anderson R W 10 Years Ago

I really enjoyed going to Bobs class, aside from the fact that it's 8am. He tells great stories and is clear. Lecture isn't mandatory but Id recommend it because his slides online are pretty dry and it's smart to take notes on what he's saying about them. Intense memorization for this class, no real accounting. You learn about auditing but not fun

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
132A . Anderson R W 11 Years Ago

Has the worst OH of any prof here (not just the fact its at 7am) opposes helping you study material b/f covered in class, doesn't want to help you with homework, what are OH for then? Apparently only for people in accounting projects who are not enrolled in his class..

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECON136A . Anderson R W 12 Years Ago

Just like 3A, study the practice midterms and you will def get at least a B. Tip: Study his slides too; he'll put something random from there on the midterm. Also, the final had 40+ journal entries. Be sure to study those in depth. They go back to things covered in 3a so refresh the OLD material. This class wasn't too hard. Study and you'll do fine

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Cllear warning. Do not take his auditing class. The competition is strong, and this teacher makes it cut-throat. He's always talking/lieing about his boring life/family. His grading is brutal, and he is convinced somehow it is fair. The teacher thinks he is something,yet doesn't even have a master's degree. STAY AWAY Take loster or don't take class

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A132 . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Purposely didn't teach 50% of material tested just to get a nice distribution of grades. Students in UCSB don't understand what a good accounting professor is because they have never seen a good one. There isn't a good one in UCSB. This teadcher is a student's enemy. Very stubborn and will not help even if you are one inch of graduation.

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

One of the best professors at UCSB. He really cares about his students and will do anything to make sure u understand the material, all u gotta do is ask! Practice on his previous exams and u will do fine. Textbook is pointless to read so dont bother. If u want an A in this class just show up to his lectures, take notes and practice!!!

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Good professor, friendly and interesting to listen too. Provides great examples and makes sure that the most important information you need to know is given to you. Do practice exams and you will be fine.

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

You can get your accounting units from many classes. But DON'T take Bob's Audit class. Even if you liked him in 3A and 136A... Just trust me on this one, it's a terrible class.

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Even if you liked him in 3A and 136A, don't bother with his auditing class. You'll regret it, trust me. Get your accounting units elsewhere.

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

He's an awesome professor - good at relating things to the real world. He is engaging and funny. BUT!!!! DO NOT go to office hours. He was just really mean and not helpful at all!!!!!! He will just embarrass you, and you will feel stupid. In class: GREAT! - in person: NOT

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