A two-quarter series providing an introduction to the purposes, conceptual framework, measurement principles and reporting issues of accounting. Particular emphasis will be placed on the links between accounting, economics, and finance.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
He's a decent professor but those quizzes and midterm so far seem unnecessarily difficult and confusing.
An intro accounting is not an easy class to teach, but Bob helped me learn so much! I walked in with no accounting knowledge and now feel knowledgeable in the fundamental accounting topics! Sharing his experiences helped me understand what working in accounting is like, and I'm grateful for that. Put in the work, and you will appreciate the class!
Very time consuming class, but if you put the work in, you will succeed! Watch ALL lecture videos and go to in person lectures. A lot of test questions are stuff he says in both of these. The TA's were very helpful whenever I was confused on a topic. This is a class you can't cram for, so don't wait till the last minute to start studying.
Paid tuition to hear him yap 9.30 in the morning. Tests questions (MCQ specifically) have no ways to prepare. If he can lecture more instead of sharing his insights/thoughts in class it would be better. I do like his recording lectures as it prepares students for other accounting courses down the road. He goes off tangent when answering questions.
I LOVE BOB! One of my favorite professors. He made this class very understandable and if you go to lectures and try you will be fine. The final is pretty difficult but I prepared really well for it so I did good.
This class put me in therapy (wish I was joking). The professor's teaching is good once you get to know the way he teaches and explains, but I wouldn't rely on it you should do outside studying. I found that because GAAP accounting rules are solid it is easy to find good videos explaining what is going on in class if you are lost. USE WILEY!!!