Anderson R W
Bob Anderson
214 reviews

3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

He is extremely clear with what you need to do and learn to excel in the class. Extremely fair grader. He orients lectures around applications of concepts and expects students to put in work outside of class. Exceptional practical advice and insight into the field of accounting and connects students to job resources. You will succeed if you work.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

tell people to attend useless lectures by saying "there will be questions on the final that I only talk about in class and not in the recording". He's just repeating the same stuff+ his personal life and waste 3 hrs of ur time every week. Also, be ready to have things due for basically EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY even though u don't have lecture/sessions

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Course is a joke, more like intro to Anderson 101. He only talked about his personal life and accounting experience during lectures. This course is very hard so don't rely on him. UNDERSTAND the textbook, do WP practice problems, and you will be ok for quizzes. Midterm was a piece of cake and final is about smallest things he discussed in lectures.

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

The exams(75%) and quizzes (20%) take up a total of 95% of the grade. I basically learned all the knowledge of this course by myself. You'll find it hard to get the point of his lessons. The midterm is easy but the final is a disaster. Half of the MCQ are about extracurricular knowledge. If 3A is a required course for u, GOOD LUCK.

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Tough, very hard exams and his exams are heavily weighted. If you have another choice, do not take his class. Even B is a very good grade for this course.

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Bob is definitely one of the best professors here. He provided a lot of real-life accounting skills and stories for students. It's a tough course and takes you a lot of time to prepare for the exams. The first exam is on excel and the second is in person. You will learn a lot from this professor and do previews before you go to his classes.

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

This professor took the time to help me individually. He had great lectures and i learned a ton. Lots of textbook reading.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Don't take this if you are not an ECON or Accounting Major. For a GE is is a very tough class that requires alot of outside learning. Lectures do not prepare you for the midterm or final. Be prepared to grind for a decent grade in this class. Alot gets covered and you become well versed in the basics of accounting if you put the work in.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Bob Anderson: hard workers love him, slackers hate him. Don't let yourself be guided by the hate he gets. He has a direct personality, and as such he will always be straightforward with you. He may sound rude but he cares for his students. If you reach out to him he will listen to you. Best prof. I've had at UCSB.

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

He spends half the class ranting about whatever he feels like that day. You'll most likely find yourself self-studying for a lot of this class and the homework is pretty annoying as well. If you prefer econ and aren't really interested in accounting, you're better off taking some other class.

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Professor Anderson was great. Even though sometimes he goes on tangents, he really knows what he is talking about. He was also very accommodating when I had a migraine before the final. He is great!

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3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Bob is very knowledgeable but prepare to study a lot. There was a lot of work to do each week that you had to do or else you would fall behind. In person lectures weren't mandatory, but Bob talks about a lot of interesting and helpful topics during them, like building wealth. Only take if you are actually interested in accounting and economics.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

The only thing you have to worry about the midterm and final. Prepare for a lot of self studying and watching his lectures, cause Bob decides to talk about accounting stuff not related to the course material. Also no curve so he's cut throat, the average for the final was 146/250 not very good considering average must be C.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Bob is definitely one of the best professors at UCSB. His public accounting experiences are really helpful to you. The live lectures are more like discussions and Q&A parts. It is not mandatory but if you want high scores, you should go. He is a professor who deserves a lot of respect and I would definitely take his courses in the future.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 2 Years Ago

Reading textbook is much more useful than attending lectures. Class time was always wasted by him, talking about his own personal experiences but not the course materials. The exams are hard. The average for midterm was 67%, and average for final was 58%. There is no curve, so I expect the class average is C+ or C.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago


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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

Great choice if you are trying to get into the world of accounting. His lectures are insightful and useful for exams, which are all online. Does spend a lot of time on tangents if he gets into one so self-studying is key.

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3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

He is an engaging professor but the tests were ridiculously hard midterm and final. Most of the class failed with a 55% average on midterm. His tests very a very upscale hard version of his homework. He is nice, but the amount of material was good, but tests were unprepared. Do not recommend unless you need the class.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

Bob is probably my favorite professor at UCSB so far. I changed my major from Econ to Econ and Acc, and once I took 3A with Bob, I knew I made the right decision. He is very knowledgeable about real estate, the stock market, and ofc accounting. While he does go off track during lectures, his stories have good life lessons. ASK QUESTIONS in class!!

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

Took this course during Winter 2021. Bob is awesome in getting students ready for real-life accountings. He talks about what he will put on the exam during after lecture time so make sure u stay behind. Exams are never unexpected. HW is manageable. One easy midterm and one easier final. He helps students to plan their careers as well. Great Prof.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

There's double lectures to watch every week (one zoom and one for the textbook chapter) along with homework or a quiz due every day of the week. Median for the midterm was around 50% with no curve. Always makes the excuse that he's "preparing us for the real world" and is extremely full of himself (won't stop bragging)

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

This class has a heavy workload: normally 2-3quizzes a week plus some homework, in midterm week you have a midterm and three quizzes and some homework.... Also there is few interactions with the class and Professor, all of the lectures are pre recorded and there is no necessary zoom meetings.

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3A . Anderson R W 3 Years Ago

He's somehow tough but in a caring way, kinda like my dad. Very practical teaching and I am glad to have taken his class.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 4 Years Ago

Bob's online class is great! DO take the online course. The homework and quizzes are easy and worth 70% of your total grade. The content of this course is not hard. Excel is extremely important in this course and manage your time well when taking the exams. The above two are crucial to your success in this course!

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