Ralph Gallucci
243 reviews

CLAS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

His lectures are pretty boring but he basically goes over the reading so pay attention. He does review study sessions before the midterm and final which are helpful. You do have to write a book review. Extra credit is available. The midterm and final were m/c and t/f and werent difficult. Going over notes help help and quizlet, just know stories.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Pretty boring lecturer but if you do the reading youll be fine.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

I love Gallucci! I wouldnt necessarily agree that hes boring, because hes not. He just tends to have a very low, monotone mumble while teaching. Pro-tip (from someone whos hadnt him for three classes): The readings guide his lectures so hes very easy to follow along if you read + then its easier to know when to zone out when he tangents.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Yeah, the class is easy and while some people find Greek Mythology more interesting than I do, I often literally have no idea what the man is saying and I find it impossible to follow the stories when he tells them. It's almost like they paid him to make it as boring as possible and mumble and lose his train of thought. Ridiculous how bad he is.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Took during summer session. Lectures were very boring and I fell asleep quite a bit. If you read or watch videos about the stories (most of which you may have already known) you'll do fine. He gave 2 extra credit opportunities (book report & museum trip). Weekly quizzes, section homework/attendance, a midterm, final exam, and a final paper.

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CLASS39 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Only had him for 2 1/2 weeks before he took a sudden sick leave. Terrible, boring lecturer and has no clear organization. Insultingly easy A. It's gonna be hard not to fall asleep in class

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CL40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Gucci Gallucci, GOAT of UCSB

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CLAS55 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

The undisputed GOAT of professors. Highly reccomend taking his class if you're looking to have a good time.

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CLASS55 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Ralph Gallucci is the greatest professor I have ever had. Please take his classes if you can.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

took him over the summer during fssp. going to lecture? prepare to nap. i never bought the textbooks and still managed to pass the class. very nice professor, but very dry lectures. you can probably study the night before and still pass the tests! pretty easy tests and papers.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 5 Years Ago

Easy if you do the readings and study for at least a day per test

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INT95 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

He gets very grumpy when people try to leave lecture early in INT 95

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INT95 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

This class was pointless but I mean easy A. Future FSSP sweeties, I am so sorry

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Professor Gallucci is really nice, but his lectures are super boring. I tried so hard to pay attention but I could not listen to him. Maybe sitting in the front might help. The class was really easy. Honestly if you do all the readings you don't even have to go to lecture. Gives a decent amount of extra-credit too!

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CLAS171 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Easiest professor at UCSB by far. Midterm and final are straightforward. Gives ALOT of extra credit. Going to his office hours for paper reading will give you an A. TAKE HIM if you ever get the chance.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Lectures are pretty boring, but the content and tests are easy. Gallucci is a nice guy

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CLASS50 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Take this if you want an easy A, not if you want to learn. There are short lists of certain things you need to memorize but it's simple if you catch some of the few lecture slides he puts up briefly. Tests are multiple choice, super easy if you have a general grasp of the material & common sense. Boring lecturer & flaky during office hours.

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INT95A . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Attend all class, do all the essays. They break down all the requirements of the class you need to get an A. It is very easy to slip up on the total requirements for the course, so always ask for clarification. If you miss too much class, just take it P/NP. FSSP was a great experience, the biggest reason not to do it is the cost.

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CLASS55 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Literally showed up Syllabus day, Midterm, and Final. Ended up getting a B+. 2 papers, midterm, final. His tests are all multiple choice. Fairly easy material if you do the reading.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

Easiest course at the university. Either pay attention to the lectures or crack open the textbook. Your grade consists of one paper (1000 words), a midterm, a final, weekly quizzes and section attendance. There are 2 extra credit opportunities too. Gallucci is a bit dry but the class is interesting.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 6 Years Ago

He's a very knowledgeable professor, though his lectures can feel a little bit dry, especially four days per week in a row as during FSSP. He cares about his students about as much as possible though and getting an A is really easy if you go to his review session and follow the checklists and vocabulary.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 7 Years Ago

Gallucci's really accessible during office hours but his lectures put just about everybody. You don't have to buy Powell (I did and never read any of the chapters) There are so many quizlets about the stories just flip through those cards during lecture- it's a better use of your time and his monotone voice is the best to help you focus.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 7 Years Ago

I took this class because I read online that it was going to be an easy A and fill a gen ed. However, I was talked to sleep in every lecture I went to because his voice is the most monotone voice to ever exist. It really wasn't that hard of a class, but trying to learn information from the professor was impossible. I had to teach myself. It sucked

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 7 Years Ago

For future FSSP students, I would recommend reading the book. Yes, sometimes it's hard to focus in lectures, but Gallucci is a great person and clearly cares about his students. The class itself isn't difficult if you just read the book daily, which is like 20-30 pages a day. Your friends will panic the night before a test but you'll be cruising.

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