Introduces new transfer students to the mission of the research university, the role of higher education in society and their role, as students, within the community of scholars. Topics cover academic, social and personal issues relevant to college students, specifically transfer students.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor; must be a new transfer student.





1, 2, 3


Juniors only

Level Limit

Graduate school

Emma Parker
18 reviews


ARTS 1356
15:00 PM - 16:50 PM
30 / 30 Full
Fall 2024 . Parker E T
ILP 2211
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
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ED 118 Parker E T Fall 2023 Total: 130
ED 118 Parker E T Winter 2023 Total: 100
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ED118 . 10 Months Ago

Section heavy, I had Jack and Jess as my section leader and it was cool. Got uncomfortable because they make you talk, but its not too bad. Lecture attendance is a huge part of your grade so free points if you just show up and same with section. Overall chill course and pretty cool if you're a transfer.

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ED118 . 1 Year, 7 Days Ago

The class was an absolute joke. The professor's job is pointless, she has a guest speaker in every lecture that rambles nonsense. Class doesn't teach you anything nor prepare you for anything and the section is like kindergarten with icebreakers every class. You receive an A if you show up and if you don't you won't.

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ED118 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

2 homework every week and 2 activities reflection essays. Easy homework

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

attendance is mandatory but as long as you show up you basically get an A. easiest class on campus. super awesome. assignments are very easy. idk why she is rated so low it makes no sense to me.

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

Easy class, no exams, definitely worth taking if you need an A. Not being a transfer student herself, Dr. Parker lacks the skills needed to empathize with transfer students. Although she seems willing, she does she not like making accommodations for students. The concept of the course is great, but a different professor is needed.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
ED118 . 2 Years Ago

I don't know why her rating is so bad. Lecture can be boring sometimes this was by far my favorite class because of the section. This class was so chill and you actually get to socialize with people. I was hesitant to take it because of Professor Parker's bad reviews, but take this class, you will not regret it.

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See all 18 reviews
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ED 118
30 / 30 Full
The Research University and The Transfer Student Experience
Emma Parker 2.6
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
77.3% A
ED 118
30 / 30 Full
The Research University and The Transfer Student Experience
Emma Parker 2.6
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
77.3% A
ED 111
60 / 60 Full
Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development
Laura Romo 1.7
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
69.2% A
ED 113
30 / 30 Full
Race, Inequality, and Education
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
ED W 119
25 / 25 Full
Framework for Teaching and Learning in K-12 Public School Classrooms
Aaron Blackwell 3.0
74.8% A
ED 122
50 / 50 Full
Pre-professional Work in the K-12 Classroom
Aaron Blackwell 3.0
95.2% A
ED 123
53 / 60 Enrolled
Culture, Development, and Education
Rebeca Mireles-Rios 4.0
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
85.4% A
ED 124
60 / 60 Full
Practicum in Community Based Learning
Jane Duran 3.8
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
91.9% A