Emma Parker

18 reviews
Participation matters Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Lots of homework Tough grader Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Amazing lectures Inspirational Hilarious
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ED20 . 7 Months Ago

This class is really what you make of it. It is basically a guaranteed A as long you try. She doesn't really lecture as there are guest presenters who teach you about resources at UCSB. Your TA definitely determines your experience as well. There are weekly reflection assignments which are pretty easy if you pay attention. Jack is goated.

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ED118 . 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

Section heavy, I had Jack and Jess as my section leader and it was cool. Got uncomfortable because they make you talk, but its not too bad. Lecture attendance is a huge part of your grade so free points if you just show up and same with section. Overall chill course and pretty cool if you're a transfer.

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ED118 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

The class was an absolute joke. The professor's job is pointless, she has a guest speaker in every lecture that rambles nonsense. Class doesn't teach you anything nor prepare you for anything and the section is like kindergarten with icebreakers every class. You receive an A if you show up and if you don't you won't.

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ED20 . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

The class is very section-heavy, lots of participation/group activities (super fun, though). Each week a different person is brought into lecture to talk about different topics, ie. the Chumash, mental wellness, etc. Graded primarily from weekly reflections. Class is SUPER manageable, fun to take w/ friends, and fulfills a writing requirement.

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ED20 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Super easy class for freshmen only. Weekly reflection assignments are about all the work and no exams. Lectures are once a week plus no section. Not the most useful class, but would definitely recommend to fill requirements.

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ED118 . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

2 homework every week and 2 activities reflection essays. Easy homework

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

attendance is mandatory but as long as you show up you basically get an A. easiest class on campus. super awesome. assignments are very easy. idk why she is rated so low it makes no sense to me.

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

Easy class, no exams, definitely worth taking if you need an A. Not being a transfer student herself, Dr. Parker lacks the skills needed to empathize with transfer students. Although she seems willing, she does she not like making accommodations for students. The concept of the course is great, but a different professor is needed.

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

I don't know why her rating is so bad. Lecture can be boring sometimes this was by far my favorite class because of the section. This class was so chill and you actually get to socialize with people. I was hesitant to take it because of Professor Parker's bad reviews, but take this class, you will not regret it.

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ED20 . 2 Years Ago

This class is not difficult, but there was readings. I sometimes got B in my reflection somehow, although I did all the readings and paid attention in classes.

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ED118 . 2 Years Ago

Winter'22 this class was hybrid with Parker's lectures online and section (most of the class) taught by TA's. The section was focused on discussions and connecting with other students. Simple weekly reflections (10), one mini-paper (3-4pgs), experiential activity (850 words), and a final paper (5-6pgs). Overall a fun, easy, and engaging class.

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ED118 . 4 Years Ago

The entire purpose of this class is to help transfer students acclimate to going to a major university. Learning our way around, meeting other transfer students, and building study habits. But Emma made it into a vessel to shove liberal ideals down peoples throats and intentionally assigns bs work that takes so much time. to pass you must agree w/h

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