Students do practicum hours in the local community and schools, read relevant articles and examine results from related research projects.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor; upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Graduate school

Jane Duran
23 reviews


ED 1217
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
60 / 60 Full
See All
Winter 2024 . Rios R M
ED 1215
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Spring 2024 . Sultana S
ED 1213
16:00 PM - 17:50 PM
See All
ED 124 Duran R P Winter 2023 Total: 45
ED 124 Duran R P Fall 2022 Total: 21
See All
BL180 . 7 Years Ago

Duran is clearly experienced. She is specific about the material she wants to know to make sure you pass the exams and ace the papers. She also has a witty and fun personality. Lectures do get repetitive and she does encourage class discussions because she likes her lectures to go as planned. She not very transparent about grading criteria.

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BLST127 . 7 Years Ago

Duran is a great professor and is very enthusiastic about the material. Skipping a few classes won't heavily impact you but I wouldn't recommend it as she often says little snippets that are interesting and won't remember them if you ask later. Great addition to the black studies department.

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BLKST127 . 7 Years Ago

As an international student from France, I was scared about the grading and the difficulty of the class. However, Prof Duran integrated me so well, I loved the readings, I was passionated by her class, feedback. Amazing and talented teacher who knows what she's talking about. Bright and strong personality. Best teacher ever.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
BLST38A . 17 Years Ago

This lady should retire. She is WAY too old to be teaching. Her lectures were pretty stupid. All she did was talk about the books, so read them because it will be helpful. Overall, she wasn't too bad just liked to preach her feminist stuff.

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
BLST127 . 17 Years Ago

Crazy liberal lady, very old, and thinks that berkeley grads are the smartest people in the world. First white person I met that really understands Black history. Recommended.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
BLST127 . 18 Years Ago

very good prof. exciting and most the books are cool too. fairly easy grader. def would reccommend.

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
See all 23 reviews
ED W 119
25 / 25 Full
Framework for Teaching and Learning in K-12 Public School Classrooms
Aaron Blackwell 3.0
74.8% A
ED 122
50 / 50 Full
Pre-professional Work in the K-12 Classroom
Aaron Blackwell 3.0
95.2% A
ED 123
53 / 60 Enrolled
Culture, Development, and Education
Rebeca Mireles-Rios 4.0
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
85.4% A
ED 125
60 / 60 Full
Schooling in the U.S.
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
72.0% A
ED 126
60 / 60 Full
Social Connectedness, Motivation, and Self-Regulation in Education
Nyeu M
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
78.1% A
ED 129
13 / 30 Enrolled
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15:00 PM - 16:50 PM
66.0% A