Introduction to the underlying principles to be an environmental educator. Includes understanding the fundamental characteristics and goals of Environmental Education (EE), evolution of the field, instructional methodologies, and how to design, implement, and assess effective EE instruction in a variety of disciplines, including: nature connection, environmental justice, outdoor education, and primary, secondary, and higher education. Course includes presentations by local EE professionals and field trips.
PasstimeNot open to freshmen
Level LimitLetters and science
127B last spring was great! We got to create our own lesson plans and unit of instruction and teach to students. Wonderful experience!
Took this class in 2022. One of my absolute favorite profs I've ever had. Absolutely amazing person and great class. Super compassionate, knowledgable, and fun. We had class on the beach or over looking the beach every week! Love love love this prof.
127 B was the most rewarding class I've taken at UCSB. It seems like a challenge but Bridget is very kind and wants her students to pass. She's a little disorganized and can't always communicate what she wants on paper but talk to her in person and she'll help you out. Honestly, a great professor. Would take again if I could.
This class is easy but is so much more work than necessary. Bridget is also extremely picky about answers in terms of the midterm and final. She is also very unclear and is often rude when asking for clarification on certain things.
This class was super easy as long as you pick a reasonable project and have a good group - hard to tell what your grade is going to be until the end but as long as you play along with the whole environmental education ideology and prepare for random questions that she asks you you'll do well. Went outside a lot during the three hours!
This class was very interesting but a lot of work. Ended up getting an A+ in the class, but had no idea what my grade would be up until the end. She is very kind and means well, but is super unorganized and not very clear about what she wants-which was frustrating.