This course investigates some of the most important novels, short stories, and memoirs from what many consider to be the most dynamic literary movement to come out of the United States. Ranging from the 19th to the 20th-century, situated at the juncture where oral traditions meet the written word, this course focuses on the many "Souths" that narrate cultural forms of value and justice. It crosses lines demarcating race, gender, religion, and sexuality to look anew at histories of cultural formation in relation to political struggle. Faulkner is revealed as part of a literary pantheon comprised largely of women and writers of color, including Chesnutt, Chopin, Hurston, Wright, Crews, Toomer, Porter, McCullers, O'Connor, Welty, and Walker.

Prerequisites: Writing 2 or upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs AHI Area G Writing
Candace Waid
74 reviews
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ENGL 133SO Waid C J Winter 2019 Total: 103
ENGL 133SO Waid C J Fall 2017 Total: 127
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ENGL133SO . 6 Years Ago

Lecture slides were trash, I couldn't take effective notes and I often skipped lecture. Sections are where it's at, and I recommend Pettersson, she's 10/10 amazing. Waid is a caring person, brought pizza for a lecture hall at our final. Bless her heart. Idk if she can teach effectively tho.

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ENG133SO . 7 Years Ago

The books I read were pretty good, especially in the first half of the class. The bad part was I hardly understood anything she was saying in lecture & I had to go because she puts key terms from lectures on the exam. Not that going to class even helped much because I literally felt like I was trying to interpret another language.

2 helpful 1 unhelpful
ENGL133SO . 10 Years Ago

Waid love to go off topic in lectures and isn't very organized when it comes to slides, but is somehow simultaneously interesting/boring, but very helpful outside class. Reading is mandatory (as are all english classes), rely on TA's for help with key terms from lecture and help on the final paper.

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ENGL133SO . 10 Years Ago

Absolutely chaotic and demented - the most life-changing course I have ever taken. Waid is unbelievably kind and personal. Do all the reading - the whole class is based on the readings, and you will read some unbelievably amazing literature. The greatest class I've taken at UCSB.

5 helpful 1 unhelpful
104A133SO . 19 Years Ago

Waid is perhaps the most brilliant person I have ever met. She is quirky, and her classes are incredibly entertaining. She is passionate about her material, and genuinely cares about her students. I strongly recommend taking a course from her.

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133SO . 19 Years Ago

Prof. Waid is amazing. She can get off-track occasionally, but I think some of her "off-track" anecdotes are the most rewarding. Southern Lit. is an amazing class and I liked Waid so much I'm taking my senior seminar with her this Fall.

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19 / 19 Full
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