This course considers how a series of wishes, lies, and dreams, and about the Irish were invented and read. Ireland, like California, is a territory on the western edge of a continent about which many mythologies have grown up. In Ireland's case, these mostly have to do with the supposed mystery of the place, its romance and mythic past, or its violence, or its long bitter history. Who invented these versions of the place, and whose interests do they serve? Why do people continue to believe them? How have they changed? We consider how one small country has been imagined as "other" - as wild, strange, dangerous, fanatic - and how the Irish in their literature, speak back. In Irish literature, they reinvent Irishness.

Prerequisites: Writing 2 or 50 or 109 or English 10 or upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs Area G Writing
Unlocks ENGL 150S
Enda Duffy
61 reviews
GIRV 2127
08:00 AM - 08:50 AM
25 / 25 Full

ILP 3101
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM
25 / 25 Full

ILP 3101
14:00 PM - 14:50 PM
25 / 25 Full

GIRV 2127
15:00 PM - 15:50 PM
25 / 25 Full

GIRV 2127
08:00 AM - 08:50 AM
25 / 25 Full

GIRV 2127
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM
25 / 25 Full

Spring 2024 . Duffy A E
LSB 1001
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
See All
ENGL 150 Duffy A E Spring 2024 Total: 134
ENGL 150 Duffy A E Spring 2023 Total: 181
See All
ENG150 . 6 Months Ago

Professor Duffy is great, he is very enthusiastic and cares a lot about his students. However if you are taking this course for a GE and do not absolutely LOVE literature then don't take it. This is a UD course in which the professor and the TAs expect you to be extremely passionate about Irish literature. Tons of analysis and reading.

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ENGLISH150 . 6 Months Ago

Professor Duffy made me excited to be an English major. He is incredibly caring, and his lectures are hilarious. Take his honors section if you can. Duffy worships Ulysses, so beware, and also excited--- He is excellent at breaking down difficult concepts. Midterm, final, short presentation, & 7 page research paper with any topic on Irish culture.

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ENG150 . 8 Months Ago

Had Duffy for 150 & its honors seminar. He is a much better lecturer in a small class discussion format. I struggled to learn from his large lectures, as he is unorganized with no visual aids at times. Tests are half IDs, which was frustrating. Midterm+Final+7pg research paper. However, that being said, he is very caring and wants you to do well.

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ENG150 . 2 Years Ago

I took this course Spring '22! It was not easy, but it was fun. For exams, I recommend going over the poems + readings and looking into the meaning behind each. Professor Duffy is kind, supportive, and funny. He offers extra cred for the memorization of poems or a performance. I highly recommend this course if you're interested in Irish literature!

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ENG150 . 2 Years Ago

Duffy is my favorite professor at UCSB! He approaches learning in a way that includes educating the "whole self," in other words, he emphasizes the importance of life experience and pushes you to be creative, interesting and ambitious in your thinking about yourself, school, the world and others. I took 2 classes with him and would take 100 more

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ENG150 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Duffy has been my favorite professor at ucsb! The way he thinks about writing is very interesting. You have to do the reading, but he chooses interesting and distinct (helps with IDs) writing. The tests are fair and he gives freedom with papers and projects. I'm already in another class of his and planning to do a third.

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See all 61 reviews
150 / 150 Full
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15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
64.3% A
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12 / 12 Full
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