Studies in historical and contemporary media systems including orality, writing, print electronic media (telegraph, phone, radio, film, TV video, satellite communications), digital media (the Internet, word- processing) in their relation to literary or cultural expression. Topics include Enlightenment media, modern literature, graphic design, film and literature, twentieth century media theory.

Prerequisites: Writing 2 or upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

Rachael King
12 reviews
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ENGL 147WT King R S Winter 2022 Total: 36
ENGL 147WT King R S Fall 2017 Total: 34
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ENG147WT . 2 Years Ago

You could tell Professor King was very passionate about the subject material which made the experience quite enjoyable. She's not picky about topics for papers, of which you will have 2, and is open to any idea you may raise. If you pick something you're passionate about writing that is half the grade to her. Just communicate with her!

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ENG147WT . 2 Years Ago

Grading criteria can be a little bit iffy not because she's unfair but because the instructions are unclear. Lectures are normal and mostly interesting but def not needed to do any of the assignments. Short essay and final rely on the readings. Go to office hours cause she's very nice just a little new to teaching it seems.

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ENG147WT . 7 Years Ago

Prof King is nice. She's helpful and answers emails quickly. Her lectures are dull, but the topic is interesting. The class revolves around writing as a technology. The concept is confusing at first, but it starts to come together after the first few sessions. The class itself is easy-Not a lot of work. Overall, interesting, easy but boring.

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ENG102 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

I really liked Professor King's teaching style and found it much more engaging than many English lectures. There aren't many assignments for the class and the midterm is relatively easy if you have a basic understanding of the readings and time period.

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ENG102 . 3 Years Ago

I think prof king cares but isn't the best at lecturing. The structure was better than expected but it was more work than my other remote courses. I do think she tried but would not take her again

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ENGLISH102 . 4 Years Ago

Good professor I really enjoyed the structure of her class. Define was scared reading the past reviews but I enjoyed it. Basically just had an archive assignment 3-5 page a midterm and a final. Final could be a 6-8 of paper or a project. I did a podcast. Lectures and section was asynchronous too.

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