You could tell Professor King was very passionate about the subject material which made the experience quite enjoyable. She's not picky about topics for papers, of which you will have 2, and is open to any idea you may raise. If you pick something you're passionate about writing that is half the grade to her. Just communicate with her!
Grading criteria can be a little bit iffy not because she's unfair but because the instructions are unclear. Lectures are normal and mostly interesting but def not needed to do any of the assignments. Short essay and final rely on the readings. Go to office hours cause she's very nice just a little new to teaching it seems.
Prof King is nice. She's helpful and answers emails quickly. Her lectures are dull, but the topic is interesting. The class revolves around writing as a technology. The concept is confusing at first, but it starts to come together after the first few sessions. The class itself is easy-Not a lot of work. Overall, interesting, easy but boring.
I really liked Professor King's teaching style and found it much more engaging than many English lectures. There aren't many assignments for the class and the midterm is relatively easy if you have a basic understanding of the readings and time period.
I think prof king cares but isn't the best at lecturing. The structure was better than expected but it was more work than my other remote courses. I do think she tried but would not take her again
Good professor I really enjoyed the structure of her class. Define was scared reading the past reviews but I enjoyed it. Basically just had an archive assignment 3-5 page a midterm and a final. Final could be a 6-8 of paper or a project. I did a podcast. Lectures and section was asynchronous too.
I don't know what all these other reviewers expected from an Upper-Division Major-Required English course - it covers a broad period in history so of course there was going to be a lot of reading, and a ten page paper at the college level is really nothing extraordinary or eyebrow raising. I found King easy to listen to, and engaging.
Worst experience I've ever had at UCSB. Shortened quarter went unacknowledged, & there is a midterm, midterm paper, cumulative final, & 10 page research paper. Everything I learned in this class was self-taught. King teaches canonical works in a very unproductive way. Lecture attendance is mandatory. Not recommended for majors or non-majors
Kings class had to have been the worst English class Ive ever taken at UCSB. Not only were her lectures unorganized, but they often didnt illuminate anything profound about the texts. She seemed disconnected from the students and was honestly quite dry. If youre trying to take this class whether it be for a major or GE, dont do it with her.
King's lectures are completely unorganized and surface level. She tended to assign multiple readings for one lecture and then only talked about one and ignored the others. She is inconsiderate and insensitive towards other students' situations. She also assigned a ten page research paper a day and a half after an essay heavy cumulative final exam.
Yikes-best word to describe this class. Stay clear of 102 taught by King. Not only is she insensitive to some materials we have read but she assigned a 10-page research paper in the shortest amount of time given. Her catty attitude has driven me away from office hours and lectures are mandatory (TAs collect index card exercises that were a waste)
Professor King chose interesting reading for the class, separating the reading by genre rather than era. Not the most engaging lecturer and distant at times, but is extremely helpful in office hours. Midterm is easy if you take the time to study. Assigned a long final paper instead of a final exam. Overall a solid upper div English course.