Basic processes governing geographic distribution patterns of biota, including migration, evolution, isolation, and endemism. Biogeographic regions and their histories and an introduction to island biogeography. Emphasis on plants and plant geography. One all-day field trip.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHer lectures and assignments were straightforward and interesting. It was cool to read recent papers from the field.
very sweet but moves through material fast, lecture participation graded through clicker
Professor Trugman was great in terms of truly wanting you to pass and receive a good grade. She provided thorough lectures, interacted with the class, and knocked several iclicker & quiz grades off in hopes we'd pass. Although, coming from someone who isn't Geography smart whatsoever, prepare to study & ready HEAVILY if you want to pass your exams.
Prof. Trugman was caring and encouraged students to go to office hours. This class was pretty difficult due to the content of it. If you want an easy GE this is not it. There were two midterms, one on tectonic activity, ITCZ, climograph, and the other on soils, stream activity, weathering processes, and one cumulative final; glaciers+ biogeography.
Anna Trugman really knows her material and is very caring for her students. She was going pretty fast in her lectures but it is understandable. Provides extra credit when the class asks her to. Prepare for weekly quizzes and assignments outside of class via online. No cheat sheet for exams; therefore, you have to study the material.
Tests are WAY harder than practice tests!!!! She goes very fast during lecture, but does post the slides. There is a ton of content and the questions on the tests ask for the most minuscule details that are not emphasized on the slides or in lecture. Didn't add any grades for participation for lecture until after the final was over!!!!!