Introduction to the marine resources of the California coast. The interplay of oceanographic, climatic, biogeochemical and geologic factors and the influences of humankind will be addressed. Topics include: climate, circulation, biogeography, fisheries, marine mammals, petroleum, pollution and exploration history.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe was cool and knows how to speak but garners the kind of cult-y following. The class is very convoluted and based on obscure social trends from the mid/late 1900s. The tests are ridiculous, have to study multiple prompts with like 10 questions each and its in-person essays that you have to prep for. He's like really unempathetic
Prof Siegel was entirely unhelpful when I had to miss a midterm due to a medical issue. Ended up with C due to this. His lectures were actually interesting however, so I'll give him that.
Greg is a professor I would highly encourage avoiding at all costs. He has a reputation for being extremely unpredictable and honestly, I find that the most terrifying aspect of him. With professors, I can gauge their attitude. With Greg, he is fake nice one day and insensitive and be at odds with the next. Never again!
i felt extremely on edge every time i went to class. he's a nice guy, but he didn't have much empathy for students. did not accept any assignments online, everything was turned in on paper and there was a reading response once a week. a student asked to have subtitles on films and he refused. very interesting class, but don't take it with siegel.
The course is broken up into 4 categories, section attendance and "participation", Quizzes, a midterm, and a final. The course wasn't necessarily difficult, but you were given a lot of readings that you need to complete every week. The problem is that there is no section syllabus and you just have to "hope" you are doing okay to "participate".
Very interesting class. Professor Siegel is very charismatic and made the long lectures interesting. Also just a great subject matter. Hard though! You gotta read a lot and you gotta remember it all!