Introduction to measurement and interpretation of physical-environmental data (temperature, humidity, precipitation) and integrated environmental measures (e.g. potential evapotranspiration). Working with micrometeorological towers deployed across an environmental gradient, students develop and test hypothesis using real-time tower data.

Prerequisites: Geography 3 or 3A and 3B or 4.







Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only geog
Dar Roberts
25 reviews
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
27 / 27 Full

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GEOG 175 Roberts D A Spring 2023 Total: 21
GEOG 175 Roberts D A Spring 2021 Total: 17
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GEOG175 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

One of the best profs at UCSB! I'm more into human geog but he made learning about the phys world super interesting and he's so knowledgeable about it. Grade is mostly based on pretty intense group projects which are randomly assigned so you can get unlucky but he's flexible. The field trips are fun too :)

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GEOG140 . 2 Years Ago

He is a truly awesome professor, really funny and the class was super interesting. Attendance is not at all mandatory but if you go to class you will get an A, honestly maybe even if not but he cares so much you want to go, just 2 tests and term paper. Definitely would take another class with him and highly recommend, every lecture was super cool.

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GEOG4 . 3 Years Ago

I took this as a GE but it was much harder than I thought. Its fairly interesting except for the fact we talked about soil for like 2 weeks straight lol. Dont need to read the book. His tests are based off lectures so you should definitely go. take home assignments and quizzes are very helpful to keep ur grade up.

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GEOG4 . 3 Years Ago

Very manageable and caring design of classes. As long as you put efforts, this class will not disappoint you

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GEOG4 . 3 Years Ago

Dont expect this class to be an easy GE, covers a ton of information in a short period of time which was frustrating but he acknowledged it which was nice . A great professor and obviously very knowledgeable on subject, made little jokes every once and awhile and overall just a chill guy . Iclicker questions for participation every class

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GEOG4 . 3 Years Ago

His powerpoints are difficult to navigate and not easily interpreted and he speaks quickly without explaining things. This course is overall just designed poorly and covers a wide range of topics very quickly . First midterm was a D average second midterm had a c average. The textbook reading is not covered on midterms or the final.

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GEOG 158
30 / 30 Full
Introduction to Marine Resources
Greg Siegel 3.2
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
57.1% A
GEOG 163
48 / 48 Full
Ocean Circulation
Timothy Devries 4.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
46.3% A
GEOG 167
24 / 24 Full
Biogeography: The Study of Plant and Animal Distributions
Anna Trugman 3.9
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
41.7% A
59 / 72 Enrolled
GIS Design and Applications
Kedron P J
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
69.3% A
GEOG 190
24 / 24 Full
Location Theory and Modeling
Dawn Murray 4.0
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
31.2% A
GEOG 193
0 / 30 Enrolled
Internship in Geography
96.8% A