Research and theory on human perception and cognition of environments: how we perceive and learn about spatial layouts of environments, how we remember and reason about environments, how we communicate symbolically about environments, how we perceive aesthetic and hazardous properties of environments, and so on.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Montello is very interested in how humans perceive the world, and designs his lectures, assignments, and tests accordingly. If you consider the application of course material to everyday life, the seemingly complex material should be relatively easy to understand. You will likely find yourself thinking pleasantly trippy thoughts.
Easy GE; long tests but the longass study guides cover everything -- as long as you understand the concepts you'll be fine (don't ONLY memorize). Textbook is helpful but you can google stuff not covered in lecture + there are past quizlets online. If you take notes using his lecture guides you can literally zone out for most of class and be fine.
Worst professor I've taken at this college. For our final he decided to change what would be on it WITHOUT telling anybody. Told students that the final would be based on midterm 1 and 2, but decided to add a bunch of extra stuff after the mid terms. Also, professor decided to have a midterm on week 8...
This class is a real challenge - the exams are extremely difficult, with trick questions and very broad study guides. However, Unstuck study has been a lifesaver for preparing. Definitely take this course seriously and be ready to put in the work.
The slides were not very helpful and the test questions were pretty difficult. Def not an easy A but if you study the super long study guides u should be ok
I never knew that I would be in a position where I would need to withdraw a class to save my GPA, but this course has proved me wrong. There are few assignments (other than exams) and the exams are extremely significant for the grade. The exams are very detailed with trick questions and the study guide is very broad.