Convective heat transfer, external and internal flow, forced and free convection, phase change, heat exchangers. Introduction to radiative heat transfer.

Prerequisites: ME 151B and 152A. Open to ME majors only.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit


Unlocks MATRL 186A ME 186A THTR 111C
These majors only me
Ted Bennett
24 reviews
Spring 2024 . Zhu Y
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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ME 151C Bennett T D Spring 2023 Total: 89
ME 151C Bennett T D Spring 2019 Total: 97
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ME151C . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

There was a lot of homework assigned, some which took over 24 cumulative hours to finish. Personally found his lectures to be even more confusing than his handwriting, which is already a challenge to decipher. Midterm average of 72% with mode of ~90%, so clearly he's doing something right. I guess I just didn't match well with his teaching style.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ME151C . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

No, he isn't out to plummet your GPA to rock bottom(He wouldn't have stayed here this long with a bad rap). No, he is not necessarily a bad professor(Some people are doing well without any extra help). Yes, the material is quite difficult for many. Yes, it's possible to pass with a good grade. Yes, you may need extra help. Good, but could be better

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ME151C . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

There isn't a textbook and practically no syllabus! Plus, he has unrecognizable handwriting which makes it hard to read his handwritten notes and even harder to get what he is trying to teach. Together with 12 hours per week on homework is definitely mental torment. Good luck!

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ME151C . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Lecture and homework are so hard, I could barely follow. Handwriting is hard to recognize. Need to attend every TA section possible.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ME151C . 5 Years Ago

Doesn't give you a syllabus first of all, which is completely ridiculous because you don't know where your efforts should be focused. Homeworks are absolutely insane and you have to have a system of group rotations to TA hours for the answers. Tests are actually pretty fair, however, but he does give you extra things to try and trick you.

1 helpful 2 unhelpful
ME151C . 5 Years Ago

I don't understand what's with all the negative comments. The homework isn't that bad because all the concepts are in the textbook that he literally wrote for us. If you can't do the hw ask the TA or don't do it at all cause the homework is only worth 10%. People say class is hard but the midterm avg was 65% which is good for a junior class.

4 helpful 13 unhelpful
See all 24 reviews
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15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
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