Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate systems using integration, area moment, and energy methods. Beams on elastic foundations,curved beams stress concentrations, fatigue, and theories of failure for ductile and brittle materials. Photoelasticity and other experimental techniques are covered, as well as methods of interpreting in-service failures.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeShe is a super knowledgable professor. The class is too condensed however, and you can tell she has a hard time explaining some concepts. She was a fine professor for statics, but I found her lectures confusing for ME 166.
Professor Daly is all about her student's success. She will explain each concept exactly as you need to know it, and she makes sure you won't feel lost when knowing how to practice and what to study. Homework grades are basically free points which means all you need to worry about are three exams of average difficulty. Grades were kindly curved.
Great lecturer. This quarter, homework solutions were given with the homework which were always given 100%, making practicing the material much easier without having to stress over a grade. Midterms are harder than the homework (especially 2), but still very doable. Also, do practice exams, most efficient way to prepare.
Professor Daly is friendly and approachable. Her lectures are easy to follow and while some concepts are challenging, she does a good job going through examples in class. Her exams are tough but fair. If you attend all lectures and do homework sets you should be fine.
Easily the worst professor I've had. I love statics as a topic, but I hated this class. All homework must be submitted in person, on paper to a mail box. All grades are handed back in person, and you must calculate your grade yourself. Lectures were funny, but not actually helpful in understanding the material at all. The TAs saved me this class.
Professor Daly isn't bad. But when the class was doing well, she decided to significantly up the difficulty of later quizzes to "test the limits of our abilities." It almost was like we were punished for doing too well. I feel like she made the material much harder than it should actually be. But the format of the online course was very forgiving.