Presentation of seminar required of all departmental graduate students.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf Shea makes the first part of pchem so understandable and not intimidating. She makes you do book problems as HW so if you have chegg it's free. Her lectures are good and she doesnt go too fast. Midterms are just harder versions of book problems and Quizzes are actual book problem. Final was a little hard but the curve was pretty good.
She is one of the nicest profs I've ever had! If you take all the notes in class and make sure you understand all of the hw problems, you'll have no problem in that class. She posts some notes online, but it's not as helpful as in class notes. She dedicates like 30 min of lecture to show you how to approach the hw, V straight forward.
Probably the nicest professor I've had in the Chem department. Go to class, take good lecture notes, and make sure you understand how to do all of the homework problems. You can get at least a B if you do those things. A true queen!!
Absolutely deplorable. The first exam average was 40% and second exam average was 51%. I fully learned the materials by myself without her help by reading all chapters. She does not teach, doesn't post notes on BB, doesn't respond to email, doesn't care about any of the students! worst professor ever.
I really wish she was teaching the whole 113 series because she's the best prof! Although the class was a lot easier than I thought it would be, I think I still learned everything I needed to. She's so nice and sweet and even more helpful. She's so passionate about everything she talks about and never makes her students feel stupid for asking a q.