Bonding theory, thermodynamics, and structure of inorganic compounds. Applications of physical techniques to the study of inorganic (and organometallic) reactions and their mechanisms.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThanks to Dr. Hayton's eccentric dedication to torturing students, I studied my ass off but still got my GPA tanked. His homework was nearly impossible for me, and so were his exams. His Canvas site was too disorganized to provide me any useful thing. He was among the professors that convinced me not to attend grad school in chemistry.
Professor Hayton makes 173A so fun! It's such an interesting class. His homework were challenging but you can get really good help from the TAs and office hours. He's really accessible outside of class and always give you hint to the problems. He is engaging, lecture is written on board, and very organized. He's one of my favorite chem professor!
He tried his best to help students to understand the materials as long as they asked. His problem sets were hard especially the last one with research papers. However, he would give us some helpful hints to do them (except the last one) during his office hours or after lectures. So ask if you have any questions.
Had him for both 173A and 175. Unlike many professors in this department who tend to ramble during their lectures and make it hard to keep up, Hayton keeps his lectures very level-paced and provides clear, thorough, and concise notes. Make sure you go to class! Exams can be challenging but they're fair. Learned a lot from him
Great professor
Materials on tests does not resemble practice problems. Gone the week of the midterm. Most of class thoroughly confused and scared about their grade. Embarrassed me when I had a question.