CHEM 290
Joan Shea
35 reviews

CHEM113A . 6 Years Ago

Prof Shea makes the first part of pchem so understandable and not intimidating. She makes you do book problems as HW so if you have chegg it's free. Her lectures are good and she doesnt go too fast. Midterms are just harder versions of book problems and Quizzes are actual book problem. Final was a little hard but the curve was pretty good.

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CHEM112A . 6 Years Ago


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CHEM113A . 6 Years Ago

She is one of the nicest profs I've ever had! If you take all the notes in class and make sure you understand all of the hw problems, you'll have no problem in that class. She posts some notes online, but it's not as helpful as in class notes. She dedicates like 30 min of lecture to show you how to approach the hw, V straight forward.

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CHEM113A . 6 Years Ago

Probably the nicest professor I've had in the Chem department. Go to class, take good lecture notes, and make sure you understand how to do all of the homework problems. You can get at least a B if you do those things. A true queen!!

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CHEM113A . 7 Years Ago

Absolutely deplorable. The first exam average was 40% and second exam average was 51%. I fully learned the materials by myself without her help by reading all chapters. She does not teach, doesn't post notes on BB, doesn't respond to email, doesn't care about any of the students! worst professor ever.

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CHEM113A . 9 Years Ago

I really wish she was teaching the whole 113 series because she's the best prof! Although the class was a lot easier than I thought it would be, I think I still learned everything I needed to. She's so nice and sweet and even more helpful. She's so passionate about everything she talks about and never makes her students feel stupid for asking a q.

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CHEM113A . 9 Years Ago

Best professor to take 113series with! She really cares about her students & wants them all to pass. Quizzes are straight from homework so they're super easy but don't let this fool you into thinking that the actual exams are easy. Go to office hours, look at examples from lectures & do the hw! nice curve at the end too.

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112A . 10 Years Ago

Shes very attentive and a fair grader. Hw is worth a good amount of the grade (not hard) and there are 2 midterms and one final (they are fair, just do practice problems). She makes a hard subject easier. I would definitely take her class again, shes one of my favorite proffs. Also, she gives lots of study material and puts the textbook on reserve.

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CHEM112A . 10 Years Ago

Shea is incredible at explaining concepts and getting them across. Her tests were questions very similar to homework problemsextra problems assigned, as well as problems that were gone over in lecture. I loved this class and wish I had her for all of my classes. If you understand how to do the homework problems, you'll get an A.

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CHEM112A . 13 Years Ago

She's a nice lady, but this class was rather difficult. I failed the first quiz, D' on exam#1, A' on the 2nd quiz, & probably bombed the final. BUT! I had nearly perfect HW scores, & did the extra credit assignment. Ended up with a C' in the class. Try to do good in the beginning of the class, it'll help a lot. TA was very helpful too.

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CHEM2C . 13 Years Ago

Not very clear in class, she's a genius so she sometimes doesn't get that normal people are a little slow. She definitely goes out of her way to help you. Office hours will clear up everything. Tests were easy. She's understandable, nice, compassionate. I didn't like her at first, but I loved her by the end. Great professor.

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CHEM2B . 15 Years Ago

Really helpful, friendly, passionate. LOVE HER!

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CHEM145 . 15 Years Ago

I had her for both 112A and 145. Her ability to convey difficult concepts is unmatched at this school. She's incredibly nice and her research is groundbreaking- it's truly a privilege to take a class from her. She got her PhD from MIT so you actually have to do some studying. But, students of all levels of understanding can succeed in her classes.

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CHEM145 . 15 Years Ago

Amazing professor to have and very helpful! To do well in her class you have to actually STUDY and not goof off. Go to her office hours, she's really smart and will help you loads because she has a way of explaining concepts in laymen's terms. and she's hot

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CHEM1B . 17 Years Ago

Nice lady, but her tests are pretty hard. Clearly, she's not used to teaching gen chem, she's not good at explaining the basic concepts.

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CHEM1B . 17 Years Ago

If you live in IV and don't have all day to study like your average dorm-living freshman, then Shea is gonna be tough. Lectures are manageable, except that she does not present the material on the exams in a similar fashion. If she curves tests, I sure didn't see it. It was her first time teaching 1B, definately room for improvement.

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CHEM1B . 17 Years Ago

Compared to all the other professors available this quarter, Id say Shea was the best. Her lectures are kinda slow and she reviews a lot in the beginning so you can come in late, but other than that she is a good teacher. She made the class interesting by doing demos. Like the review below, cheat sheets and exams and the curve made the class doable

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CHEM1B . 17 Years Ago

She's a pretty good prof. I liked how she used the chalkboard to teach instead of overhead slides. Allows 3x5 card for each midterm and a full page of notes for the final. Quizzes are simple and conceptual and exams are mostly problem solving. Grading is fair and she curves grades at the end of the quarter. Very nice prof, definitely approachable.

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CHEM1B . 18 Years Ago

The concepts covered were pretty difficult but the teaching was pretty good and easy to follow. The quizzes were pretty easy, very conceptual, and one could really learn how to fit as many equations onto a 3x5 card for each midterm as a cheatsheet. Overall the class was well structured and passable.

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CHEM1B . 18 Years Ago

i love her! she is the sweetest thing ever. and for the last two classes she did an experiment and she's so cute and clumsy. i loved the demos and she's just so nice and easy to talk to. her tests can be tricky, but if u know the material well enough, u should get an A. i cant wait to take another class with her next fall (physical chem 113a)

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CHEM1B . 18 Years Ago

She is pretty young as a professor, I think she is pretty hot. She sometimes can be funny in the class but the class is pretty boring overall. Tests only have 3 questions, but will take you forever! and it is pretty hard! Compare to Watts and Sagermann, she is much much better.

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CHEM1B . 18 Years Ago

Her teaching style is wack, as she justs takes one equation and makes it into another equation and never gives good thorough examples. Not too mention the class is super boring...

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CHEM1B . 18 Years Ago

Hmm.. Lecture-wise, Shea gives somewhat boring lecture. Bunch of equations, but she doesn't provide good examples.. it was really hard for me to figure out HOW to use these equations in practical problems.. (Quiz/Midterm)-wise, you generally need to write down equations in a cheat sheet, if she allows you to have one. Fairly easy tests.

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CHEM113A . 18 Years Ago

Joan is a really hard professor. She gave out practice tests, which are much easier than the real tests. The final is a killer, only allow 1 page cheatshhet for the final. Hard professor, but good lectures, and learned a lot in the class.

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