Uses topical examples of emerging and resurgent diseases to illustrate key principles in ecology and epidemiology. Examines how changing disease ecology influences disease prevalence and how such changing patterns of disease have influenced human history.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis is a funny guy who has a super interesting class. The class is almost too easy, which tugged at my heartstrings thinking about all the frat majors who would take advantage of this otherwise fascinating class for an easy A. Either way everyone should take it and dispel some pernicious myths surrounding infectious diseases. Thank you, vaccines.
Sweet, caring guy. Genuinely passionate about the topics. Usually keeps it pretty interesting. Just go to section and you'll do well.
Such a passionate and funny professor. Online quiz every week based on the lectures which are also available online. 2-3 writing discussion posts. My TA Eric made sections fun for us with games and discussions. Overall easy GE and all diseases covered are very interesting.
Would rate him 100/10 if I could! EEMB 40 is a must take class - it's incredibly fascinating and Dr. Latto is a very knowledgable and engaging lecturer. Each week you learn about a new disease (Ebola, malaria) and another related topic (vaccines, public sanitation). I'd be constantly laughing throughout lecture bc he's so funny. Easy, fun class!
Super nice professor! He's very considerate of his students and wants you to succeed. Clearly passionate about his teaching. Low-stakes grading with weekly quizzes that are open note and recorded lectures
I loved this class! There were no required readings, and you could really tell that the professor knows his stuff. The only assignments were short, online quizzes each week and the occasional discussion post. I would definitely recommend for an easy GE.