Seminar for first year pre-biology students. Focus is on developing scientific study skills and fostering the confidence and motivation involved in higher cognitive learning. Students engage in peer mentoring activities, problem-solving exercises and relevant discussion promoting academic success.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeNew freshmen only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeCaring, Funny, Accessible through email and Office Hour, Deeply wants you to succeed, Cares for the wellbeing and success of the students, Light workload. Wish all professors were like her.
So kind and values learning over testing. Went over topics again she thought we didn't fully understand. Offers ways to makeup missed exam questions. Super kind, office hours are unique and have a lot of learning activities. Highlights varied speakers who give info about getting into their various careers/fields. Really cares about her students
Professor James is one of my favorite professors at UCSB. She is so kind and cares about her students so much. She is also amazing to go to just to talk or for advice. The class with her is pretty easy and does not require too much work. She is a great lecturer and explains topics really well.
Amazing professor, and very inviting to talk with and learn from. Truly cares for students and comprehension of the material
Everyday I wish more and more I could take another class with Dr. James. She encompasses everything that the future of education should strive for. She truly cares for making sure her students are understanding the material. Everything is presented clearly and complicated concepts are broken down. She took us tide-pooling and I will never forget!
Super caring/accessible professor. (was a new professor this year). Tests are based on lecture material, discussion section, end-of-week quizzes, preview questions (just watch lectures (are recorded) to get an A) Really good at explaining material/helping you understand, breaks material further down during office hours. AN ABSOLUTE GODSEND!!!