Designed for transfer students who have completed part of EEMB 3 through transfer work. Topics will be selected by the department, as appropriate, to fulfill the introductory biology requirement at UCSB.
1 - 2
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeUnpopular opinion, Alice is an incredible professor. I just finished the entire intro biology series + labs and honestly, I think she did everything that she could to be helpful throughout the series. Yeah there were a few errors on her end- but cut her some slack, the woman manages the ENTIRE intro bio department. IDK why she gets so much hate.
This professor was not willing to work with students. Her expectations are not reasonable. She asks more of students then she asks of herself. For example me and (over 10 other students) were completely unable to reach her. I think this is unacceptable behavior from a department head at a University such as UCSB.
This professor was not willing to work with students and made herself unavailable for comi
I understand the rough reviews, however, she is understanding and gives second chances. She is always willing to help and just wants to see your dedication to the class. She helped me write my final poster. Tough but fair and kind at the end of the day. Go see her in person for help as much as possible.
Very poorly written/designed. Instructions could be way more clear. Lab videos are not in order/skips steps so it's more confusing than it needs to be and generally just not that helpful. Makes me miss gen chem lab because at least everything was clear.
Alice is literally so terrible and mean. She wants all the bio students to suffer and I truly feel like she wants to weed out as many people as she possibly can. I feel really sorry for you if you have to suffer through one of her classes. She has made me absolutely hate my major. So thanks for that!