Concepts of probability; random variables; combinatorial probability; discrete and continuous distributions; joint distributions, expected values; moment generating functions; law of large numbers and central limit theorems.
Grading1, 2
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeFrequently made mistakes on example problems and often did not give clear answers to student questions. Resulting slow pace led to us missing 2 full weeks of content. Didn't really promote understanding of material, just how to plug in formulas. Honestly not even worth the easy A for PSTAT majors. Take someone else if possible
Dr. Coburn is very accessible and easygoing. She exhibits an optimistic and caring attitude during her lectures, which are quickly paced and heavy on content. Even though course material is challenging, homework problems from the textbook are graded on completion, with online quizzes provided weekly and a single note sheet allowed on each exam.
Coburn is an alright teacher but good if you are ready to learn without the pressure of grades. The tests are identical to problems in lecture/homework, and sections are super organized and teach you a lot. Lectures themself went slowly but lots of time was spent on each problem, and it took very little work outside of homework.
Seems most people either hate or love Dr. Coburn but as long as you go into it without the notion that you're getting an easy A & actually study - you'll do well in her class. She is a bit tough to reach outside of class & does make calculation errors in her slides but the study guides prepare you well for the midterm/final + cheat sheets allowed
so cutie patootie i love her
Dr. Coburn's PSTAT 120A is one of the best options you have if you want to get A. However it might not dive in as deep as other 120A. The only imperfection of her is that she will never respond to your email. Other than that the class is generous on giving As. section attendance required and hw graded on completion.