Investigation of current theory and research in a selected area of communication. Variable topics in media, interpersonal or organizational communication, depending on the instructor.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeNot open to freshmen
Level LimitLetters and science
It was my first time having Nabi, and it was great! The material is so fascinating and applicable to your own life; she uses tons of examples in lecture that I would write down. Grade is based on midterm, paper, and final. Exams are online and open note; paper is easy and broad(I did it in a day). Class is great bc Nabi is so personable and lively!
Professor Nabi is a good professor and her lectures are interesting to an extent. Your grade in this class is based off of a midterm, a paper, the final and your participation. This class was not very enjoyable, I don't recommend. Nothing personal to the professor but not a lit class.
Professor Nabi is an extremely engaging professor and wants to support each student equally. She recommends office hours and is helpful if you are confused/ need clarification. She uses a lot of examples in her lectures that apply to the concepts we are learning. Lots of reading and only graded on a midterm, final, and essay.
Professor Nabi is my favorite professor at UCSB. She makes sure to give examples for all concepts which allows students to understand the material better. There was one midterm, one final and a small paper, which were all online.
Tests are hard (online/open book/provides study guide) Does not post lecture slides