Robin Nabi

52 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Tough grader Graded by few things Amazing lectures Lecture heavy Get ready to read Tests are tough Caring Participation matters Hilarious Respected Test heavy Accessible outside class Clear grading criteria Tests? Not many Gives good feedback
Past quarters
10 / 10 Full
Special Topics: Emotion and Media Effects
Robin Nabi 3.6
11:00 AM - 13:50 PM
85.7% A
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COMM 217 Nabi R L Spring 2024 Total: 10
COMM 117 Nabi R L Winter 2024 Total: 84
COMM 139 Nabi R L Winter 2024 Total: 83
COMM 160ME Nabi R L Fall 2023 Total: 73
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COMM139 . Nabi R L 11 Months Ago

It was my first time having Nabi, and it was great! The material is so fascinating and applicable to your own life; she uses tons of examples in lecture that I would write down. Grade is based on midterm, paper, and final. Exams are online and open note; paper is easy and broad(I did it in a day). Class is great bc Nabi is so personable and lively!

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 11 Months Ago

Professor Nabi is a good professor and her lectures are interesting to an extent. Your grade in this class is based off of a midterm, a paper, the final and your participation. This class was not very enjoyable, I don't recommend. Nothing personal to the professor but not a lit class.

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 1 Year, 3 Days Ago

Professor Nabi is an extremely engaging professor and wants to support each student equally. She recommends office hours and is helpful if you are confused/ need clarification. She uses a lot of examples in her lectures that apply to the concepts we are learning. Lots of reading and only graded on a midterm, final, and essay.

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COMM117 . Nabi R L 1 Year, 9 Days Ago

Professor Nabi is my favorite professor at UCSB. She makes sure to give examples for all concepts which allows students to understand the material better. There was one midterm, one final and a small paper, which were all online.

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COMM160ME . Nabi R L 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

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139 . Nabi R L 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Tests are hard (online/open book/provides study guide) Does not post lecture slides

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Prof. Nabi gives good lectures and her slides are easy to follow along. Her exams are online and open note which is great, but the tests are very hard. Some of the questions are subjective and they are mostly short answer. She also tends to ramble a lot during lecture and talk about herself but connects it to class content which is good.

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 2 Years Ago

Dr. Nabi is a pretty run-of-the-mill professor. Not too bad, but not amazing. She can be funny at times, which breaks apart the monotony of lecture. However, she doesn't post any of her slides and some questions on the exams (1 midterm and 1 final) can be kind of subjective.

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COMM117 . Nabi R L 2 Years Ago

The class is pretty interesting and she is passionate about the material. However, she isn't the most charismatic professor. Compared to the other upper division comm classes, this one is definitely more challenging. Grade is composed of 3 exams, a 2 page essay, and some participation. Exams can be difficult, but take good notes and read carefully.

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COMM117 . Nabi R L 3 Years Ago

Do not take her class, is she knowledgeable on the subject, sure. But her exams are the hardest I have ever taken in my academic career and even when you think you did well you didn't. her exams are 10% multiple-choice and the rest will be short answer and essay questions. Least favorite class at UCSB by far. The course consist of 3 exams/1 essay.

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 3 Years Ago

Professor Nabi is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about comm and emotion. She is approachable, caring, and very understanding. her exams are on the more difficult side but shes very generous with grading and you will come out of the class more knowledgeable in comm and emotion. I highly recommend this class and professor nabi.

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COMM139 . Nabi R L 4 Years Ago

Toughest grader in my academic career, really impacts my decision with taking any of her other courses in the future.

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