Rate My Professors (313)

ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Grades on a 100 point scale. Isn't very clear on concepts/ideas. Jumps from one idea to another irrelevant from those of the class. TA Emily Miner was horrible. Do not take this class! Totally hurt my GPA.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

VERY interesting class; takes some work, I didn't stay as on top of the reading as I should have but still got a B+. Pleasantly challenging class, Gaulin doesn't make it EASY, but is fair. He's pretty clear and posts tons of supplementary materials and all his lecture slides on gauchospace. Definitely my favorite professor last quarter.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Don't take this class if you're just looking for a GE! Gaulin isn't really clear, and he's mean. He wrote the book, so if you're confused in lecture the book won't help and vice versa.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Gaulin was an excellent professor. His passion for his work made me really excited about it. If you're at all interested in learning more about evolution and natural selection, or just want to learn some cool facts, take this class! Didn't need the textbook at all.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Yikes...I so regret taking this class. :( beware. Only take this if you really like the subject or if it's part of your major otherwise, definitely take another class to complete your GE's

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

If you actually do assigned readings and pay attention in lecture, this class shouldn't be too hard. Midterm and final are very hard but not impossible. Gaulin presents interesting topics that complement the readings well. He was a fantastic professor and I learned more in this class than I ever have before Definitely favorite class of the quarter.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Gaulin is a good professor, but the midterm and final are extremely challenging! Even if you think you know the material, study harder! The concepts are interesting, but the book is really hard to understand, therefore not very helpful.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Some lectures are interesting and some are not. Attendance is mandatory since there are IClicker questions. Overall, the class is challenging. The take-home midterm is HARD. The averages weren't good. There is no real way to "cram" study because you must understand all concepts before moving on. Would not recommend.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Gaulin is a nice guy. The lectures were useful but the textbook was horrible. In fact the textbook is just a collection of academic articles that were interesting but unhelpful. The two exams are very tough not because the concepts are hard to understand but because there was no real way to study the material.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Professor Gaulin is very enthusiastic about anthropology and is very knowledgeable, however if you are not a science lover I would NOT take this class! It is pretty much synonymous with a biology class and I found it very challenging. But if you work hard and actually read the book you will be fine.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Such an interesting class! Professor was alright, you could tell he really knows what he is talking about, I mean, he wrote the textbook that is used for the class! Midterm was take home, but hard. SUper interesting material, i really enjoyed the class. take it if your interesting in human development!

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Love this guy! He's immensely passionate about the subject and doesn't seem to have the general vapid monotone outlook of most GE teachers. One of my favorite classes, although the midterm was pretty tough - there is EC! He is truly interesting and cracks jokes yet is still very intelligent about the material. Take ANTHRO 5! You'll love it.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Dr. Gaulin is an excellent professor, he knows the material inside out. If you really want to learn something take this class. It's challenging, yet he kept me engaged throughout the entire lecture. He is extremely enthusiastic and enjoyable to listen to, two very high thumbs up. Take his class you will not regret it.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Great prof he is very good at explaining. Take home midterms! Really interesting topic, and the problem sets are only graded on completion. powerpoints are online so if you miss a class its not too bad

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Very intelligent man who is very engaging. Walks up and down the aisles all the time...IClicker counts as extra credit, but regardless you should attend lecture. Weekly problem sets aren't terribly difficult, but provide for a sense of if you really understand the content. Take-home midterm shouldn't be that bad if you keep up with the readings.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

He is a smart person who has a passion for what he teachers. However, if you're not into biology or science in general, it will seem boring. Lectures and sections are crucial, though not mandatory. I recommend his class to those into science or in the anthro major.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

one of the best educators I've ever had at UCSB.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Great teacher and incredibly smart human being. Berkeley and Harvard grad who is both passionate and knowledgeable. I encourage use of his office hours he is helpful and can offer you hints as to what will be on his final.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Take this class if you are interested in science, bio. or evolution. It's really hard and boring but he is somewhat clear. You have to go to class and take notes because the slides will be confusing if you don't. I wouldn't take it unless you are an anthro. major

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Professor Gaulin is a really amazing professor and his lectures(most of them at least) are very interesting and engaging. He made me want to major in Physical Anthropology. The midterm is take-home, but it is difficult, so do not procrastinate. The final is fair if you study well. Overall a great class and interesting subject.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

I loved this class!! The content was super interesting and eye-opening. The midterm isn't too hard because it's take home, and if you put time into it, use your notes and your book, you'll do well. The final was pretty difficult but Gaulin is fair and really awesome. A really entertaining class, i recommend it to anyone willing to work!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

I hated this man. He's a pretentious moron who believes that confused students are stupid instead of attributing their confusion to his horrible teaching skills. The subject is fascinating and with any other teacher (especially his head TA, Kate) I would recommend the class. His take home midterm was hard but other than that it was pretty easy.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

lecture incredibly boring. must attend lectures, graded clicker questions in each class. take home midterm (very hard) and final. Gaulin is pretty passionate about physical anth, just wasn't my thing. he sets the entire grading scheme down 5% (85 is an A-, 87.5 an A, etc.), so it's not too difficult to pull off a B+ or an A.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

i hated this class! nothing against the professsor but this subject just isnt my thing. he knows the subject so well and seems excited to teach. iclicker questions everyday and you get marked down if you answer wrong. take home midterm was harder than the final. final consist of short answers.

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