Rate My Professors (313)

ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

The class seems really straightforward until essay or test time. Instructions and questions are really deceptive. Definitely not a professor concerned with whether his students succeed.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

The best class I've ever taken at UCSB. Gaulin is an absolute genius. I will never forget the cool stuff I learned. Take as a pass no pass if you want to be overwhelmed with cool knowledge.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

ANTH 5 is not an easy GE class, so don't take it if you just want to goof off and get an easy A, there's lots of reading, but if you have an interest in the origins of human behavior, then this class is for you. I found this class to be incredibly interesting, and Gaulin clearly has a passion for what he teaches and articulates his idea clearly

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

He is especially great in UD course-doesn't care if we cover 1 slide/lecture, he'd rather go at our pace & take the discussion wherever our questions lead. It's refreshing to be able to discuss theories/ideas with a professor almost as colleagues. There is a mutual respect. Exams are kind of difficult but if you like the subject you'll be fine!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Seems people either love or hate Gaulin. I am one of the many that love him. His passion for the subject & enthusiasm with which he teaches his classes make going to lecture fun and the reading is very interesting. If you read and engage yourself in lecture you will pass with flying colors. He is also great about discussing topics outside of class.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

If you have taken ANTH 7 and ANTH 107 prior to taking this course, then this class will be a lot easier. It is basically the same information repeated from ANTH 7 with a slight amount of changes. If you are familiar with Tooby and EP, it won't be too hard. However, Gaulin can be a bit tough and does not curve the grade.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Very interesting material, great lectures. I took this with a Creationist on my floor who didn't believe in evolution- now he does. As a bio major, getting an A was easy, but it might not be that way for non-bio/anthro majors, particularly freshmen. Go to lecture and section, don't bother with the textbook. Great if you're interested in evolution.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Even though I can agree that a lot of times help in this course was hard to come by, and the TA's were of minimal assistance, I actually really enjoyed the course. Getting in A is pretty difficult. I ended with a B+ but a damn proud of it. And more importantly, I learned a ton. Very interesting!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Excellent lecturer. Extremely clear and easy to understand, but only if you can keep up with his vocabulary. Employs useful analogies and anticipates specific types of confusion, clarifying accordingly. Exams come straight from lecture; passed with an A doing almost none of the reading. Easy homework assignments provide a comfortable grade cushion.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

The content of this class is actually very interesting. You will learn a lot. But don't take this class if you want an A. Gaulin runs a very tough class. He's obviously a brilliant man but he is not a good teacher. You cannot let yourself get behind on the reading or lectures.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

This class is definitely passable. The other reviewers are on point that the tests are quite tricky and deceitful. I am a senior and got a B while doing all the reading. It's unfortunate he makes such questions because I think a lot of people who understand the concepts simply get tricked. A good class to fulfull G.E., but not to get an A.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Tough class. midterm and final are very tricky. there is opportunity for extra credit and weekly problems sets are easy points because you get credit as long as you do them. Class overall is hard, but REALLY interesting.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Oh man this class...interesting BUT don't take it unless it's a major requirement.Rack up as much extra credit as possible with iclicker questions in Lect.Section assignments are easy free points. The Midterm was a living hell full of intentionally deceiving questions.The final was more straightforward.This class requires nothing but your all.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Took this class for a GE- not a good idea. Midterm average was a 56 with no curve. Only take this if you're going to go into the major.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

The exam grades from Gaulin's midterms and finals give one the impression that his only desire is to fail his students. On our midterm the average was a 54. He did not curve this midterm. The grading was unreasonably hard and his questions are intentionally deceitful. He does not test whether you have a good understanding of the information.

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ANTHR3513 . Gaulin S J 11 Years Ago

Gaulin is a nice guy, but gets off topic a lot. I went into bio anthro to full-fill a G.E. my freshman year, BIG MISTAKE. The exams are impossible. The midterm average was 56 percent! I ended up changing my grade to pass/no pass. I wouldn't recommend this course unless you have a love for biological anthropology.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

The class is quite interesting but Gaulin is very boring. Grading is based on various things. His multiple choice is RIDICULOUSLY hard. You MUST pay attention to details and wording. The class average on the midterm was 62%. He did curve it to make the average 66. The final was out of this world hard. Be cautious when deciding to take this class.

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ANT153S . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

"Evolution of Human Sexuality" consisted of 2 papers, 1 mid-term, & 1 final. Spring12 was his first time teaching the class and there was no text book, but a lot of articles posted on gauchosapce. The articles are mandatory because tests & papers are based off of it. I went to every lecture cuz it helped clarify his vague slides. I learned a lot!

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ANTHT . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Amazing Professor! The class itself was a bit difficult, its not an easy A whatsoever, but it is extremely interesting and he is morethan willing to help students who go to his office hours. The midterm and final MC part of the exam is the hardes b/c the wording is a bit hard. But the open response for the midterm and finals are fairly easy!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

I took this to fulfill a GE and because it seemed easy enough. Professor Gaulin is VERY smart but he is impossible to tolerate in lecture. His lectures are hard to follow. Section is not for review of the lectures but to learn other material. Weekly hmwrk. Exams are no longer take home.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Gaulin is great, and you can tell he really loves what he teaches. i really liked going to lecture, section was a bit boring, but very helpful. only downside were the exams. they were extremely difficult, however the midterm is take home...but still super hard, and i had a study group of around 5 other people, as long as you study, you'll be fine

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

The class could be interesting at times. It dealt with subjects like innate gender differences that he handled rather insensitively though. You practically had to be a mind reader to get a decent grade on the writing assignments. Overall, no fun and struggle to maintain a B.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago


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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 12 Years Ago

Class was very interesting, but I felt like most of the time, the tests and assignments were designed to REALLY trick and deceive the students.. the TA (Emily Miner) wasn't helpful either. Weird grading methods and confusing course overall.

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