Rate My Professors (313)

ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Thought he was a good lecturer, very interested in the topic and very engaging in his teaching, however a good TA is crucial because they will clear up any questions you might have after lecture, reading is definitely helpful but not necessary to pass, just go to lecture, take notes and study your notes thoroughly and youll pass this class

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

hated this class with a passion. he may like what he does but he does not make one exited. this class sucked

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

You can tell that Professor Gaulin has a passion for Physical Anthro from the moment you step into lecture. He seems to give extra attention to small details which is a bit annoying, but the class is definitely doable as long as you go to lecture and do the problem sets. I personally wouldn't take this class over again just because it was stressful feeling unclear on the material AND he doesn't give a study guide for the final (?!?). But I could definitely see why some people enjoyed this class.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this class...I declared as a physical anthro major after taking it. Professor Gaulin is obviously interested in the subject matter and he makes it interesting. I highly recommend that you take this class!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Anth 5 is honestly the most interesting class I've ever taken. It starts off rough if you're not into biology but the second half of the course gets much more interesting. Attendance is mandatory, there's an iClicker. Gaulin is clear, concise, and so likable; everyone adored him. Often entertaining and engaging power points. A must take class.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

great professor. if you don't like the subject then the tests are a little difficult but it is because of gaulin and this class that i changed my major to anthro. i loved everything about this class!!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 13 Years Ago

Do not take this class if you just need to get a GE out of the way. Hardest class I have ever taken and I have taken a ton of classes. Average on the take-home midterm was a D-. The book is pointless to read and is $80 so I wouldn't recommend getting it since it is difficult to read. Must go to every lecture for iclicker questions.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

I love this professor. He tries to learn everyone's name and is so respectful and nice to his students. His depth of passion and knowledge of his subject is incredible, and he will perfectly answer any question you ask. The reading doesn't seem to be too mandatory, just skim over it and highlight things that you might need for the homework.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Prof. Gaulin is very passionate about the subject. Section is super easy so make sure you go and do all of the problem sets cause they're easy points! The exams are super tricky (even the take home midterm!)

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Professor Gaulin is a good lecturer,and he is obviously passionate about what he does.If you do 8 easy problem sets,1 research and experiment you'll get 30% of the class done easy.The problem with him is his exams.The exams are very tricky,especially the take-home midterm,and this can lead to grade deflation.Still,hes a good professor,worth taking.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

I absolutely love Prof. Gaulin! He is so passionate about the subject, and really tries to make sure everyone gets what is going on. Answers lots of questions thoroughly and even tries to learn names in a class of like over 300 people! He is great, take the honors section to get to know him better if you can. Great professor, great class.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Evolutionary Psychology is probably the most interesting class I've ever taken, but I found it to be extremely difficult and there was no room for opinion in his class. the book was great and the papers were easy... or so I thought. Guess this just isn't the subject for me.. I got C's on everything :(

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Gaulin was such a great professor! He really got me interested in anthro. Lecture and section are all you need to get an A. You do not have to do the reading. I skipped lecture quite a few times and still got an A. He's really helpful if you go to office hours too. He makes lectures pretty easy to sit through as well. Good class overall.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Interesting class, although it might be a bit dry if you are not interested in the subject. Easy A if you do your work and study. Also, you can get an extra point in the class for asking an interesting and thought-provoking question in class; he only have a point to one person, and I attended every lecture.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

This class was pretty easy. I missed a two week stretch of class right before the midterm and got a 96% on it. I probably opened the book twice throughout the quarter and got an A in the class. Just do the study guides.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

We talked a lot about natural selection and other things. But overall, if you attended lecture and actually paid attention in class, it wasn't too difficult. Study lectures and the study guide! I got an A. Going to office hours is really interesting- great guy, great professor. Talk to him about his research! I loved this class!

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ANTH1 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Class is all based on curve. Despite the average between 50%, the professor curved it to a 75% meaning the majority of people got a C. If you study more than the average student in that class, expect a much higher grade. There is a lot of homework in that class, but it's very good review for the midterm and final if you spend time on it.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

I never bought the book. The midterm and final were not easy, but he does grade them on a curve. The homeworks and experiments are a large part of the grade...

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

He goes on and on without really getting to the point. I'm sure he knows his stuff, but I didn't get a lot out of the lectures. I'm really glad he curved the midterm and final because the information he gives in class is not sufficient preparation.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

Gaulin knows what he's talking about, but sometimes he expects the students to understand with limited explanation. The midterm was ridiculously hard (I think the average was 50% before the curve). He gave us a study guide but not much of the material on the guide was on the midterm. The slides were up for the final though. Be prepared to study!

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ANTH005 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

HORRIBLE teacher. Knows the subject but doesn't know how to teach it.. You're suppose to pass knowledge down, and he clearly does not know how to do that. DON'T take this class, you will seriously regret it.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

I would not recommend taking this class. Rambles on and on, doesn't ever seem to get straight to the point so it is unclear.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 14 Years Ago

It was ok, good for an easy class.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

I liked him. I hated the questions we had to complete for the discussions though! Sometimes there were too many chapters assigned for a week. I didn't go to all of the lectures but I encourage you to do so because he adds a lot of information that is not on the powerpoints but on the tests! Studied hard and got an A+

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