Rate My Professors (313)

ANTH151 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this class. He wrote the text book and is absolutely brilliant. The class is really tough, but you will do well if you really try. I definitely recommend this class (but prior knowledge in the area would be helpful).

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

He uses a lot of examples during lectures which can get kind of confusing. There are also problem sets due each week in discussion. I wouldn't take this class unless you're really interested in the subject matter.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

Gaulin is easy to understand. If you go to class, you'll understand the material

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

Tests come from the lecture. He is very educated and knows it, but I did enjoy his lectures--he was very passionate about the topics. The TA Chris was absolutely amazing and helped out a lot. Try to get him! And the tests weren't bad. Just study. It's not intimidating if you know the basics.

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ANTH151T . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

Great teacher. Sometimes I loved the class sometimes it was hard to stay awake. The material is hard but he does a good job in explaining it. Like others have said he will take a whole lecture answering one person's question. Take home midterm is really hard. The material really opened my eyes to a lot of different topics.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

creeper. his class is easy, i thought the subject was interesting...but he really creeped me out.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

prof. gaulin definitely knows what he's talking about, but i still thought the subject was a terrible bore... definitely take the honors section if you like the subject though. honors course work is minimal and definitely worth the extra time.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

this class is not difficult and the gaulin is genuinely interested in the material. however, it is ridiculously boring and I do NOT recommend it unless you are an anthro major or something. there are much more interesting classes that satisfy the same GEs.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

You can tell Gaulin loves what he teaches. That being said, lectures were ridiculously boring. Powerpoints online. Easy midterm/final and extra credit on both. Do your homework and go to section and you'll be fine. I went to a total of 4 lectures and got a B+.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

Great professor not too difficult. Extremely clear. Great powerpoints which he puts online. Take home midterm. In class final.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

His tests are really tricky but the essay questions are really easy points so you end up doing pretty well. Do the homework and the study and you already have 30% of your grade thats given. If you learn your notes (which are given in a powerpoint) you'll end up easily with a B and more if you decide to work.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

A great professor - speaks clearly and explains concepts well. Uses images from both the textbook and outside sources to aid in explaining concepts. The class is easy simply if you pay attention to what he is saying and go to section. Do what you are supposed to do, and you should do well.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

class was soo borign! i fell asleep almost every lecture, but the only way to get a good grade was to pay attention during lecture. hard class! the TAKE HOME midterm class average was a C. the only way you would like this class is if you like the subject.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

one of the best professors at ucsb. explains things really well.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

The class gets boring, but its okay if you zone out because he puts the powerpoints online. Going is good because you might hear something important. Section is mandatory and easy. Take home midterm was rough, so make sure you have a good study group. Final was hard, but he curves. Take the honors section (you just read a book)so he knows ur na

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

Professor is great but I thought this class was unnecessarily difficult and confusing. Probably not the best class to take as a lost freshman. Would be more interested in taking evolutionary psych with him.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 15 Years Ago

his lectures are always really interesting, and he is a great speaker!

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 16 Years Ago

Generally a nice guy, but can be an jerk when it comes to contradicting him, because apparently HE KNOWS EVERYTHING!!! Class was easy, though.

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ANTHR5 . Gaulin S J 16 Years Ago

He treats every student as if they are an idiot. Wastes class time by giving over the top explanations of words such as skew, optimum, advantageous... etc. When presented with an argument, resorts to personal beliefs rather than professional beliefs. Second lecture and i am already disgusted.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 16 Years Ago

Best prof I ever had at UCSB.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 16 Years Ago

I loved this class, definitely try on the homework and you will get an A, he makes sure you stay on top of things. Definitely go to his office hours because he will "hint" at test questions

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ANTHSECT . Gaulin S J 16 Years Ago

Nice enough most of the time. has an unpredictable temper. Grading is done artistically. he either will not or cannot descibe the material and how he grades. I think he is very prejudiced and doesn't like scrutiny of any kind.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 17 Years Ago

Professor Gaulin is absolutely adorable! He is an extremely kind man who makes every effort to make lecture interesting, understandable, and relatable to everyday life. I didn't think the class was very easy; his tests are pretty difficult (but fair for the most part). Bring your laptop if you want notes that are anywhere close to adequate.

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ANTH5 . Gaulin S J 17 Years Ago

Lectures were always interesting and he always like to incorporate current events into the material. Always happy to help clarify topics and help with homework outside of class

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