Rate My Professors (61)

PSY108 . Sprague T C 4 Years Ago

I really liked him! He seems like a good guy and his lectures were straightforward and engaging. Tests were fair and pretty predictable, if you take good notes you'll be fine. I never had to open the textbook. He also has a very cute cat! (online lecture has its perks)

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PSY163 . Sprague T C 4 Years Ago

Worst professor I've had at UCSB. He gives super hard readings and then does not go over them enough for students to even understand them in class. Felt like we were doing the professors research for him. On top of that was rude in office hours. The best thing about him was he offered extra credit. Do not recommend.

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PSY163TS . Sprague T C 4 Years Ago

50% of the grade was participation which makes no sense in a class with over a hundred students in a lecture hall. The other 50% were exams based on incredibly difficult to understand readings. Hes a really nice guy but it was his first time teaching the class and it really showed, there was no organization or purpose to the class.

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163TS . Sprague T C 4 Years Ago

One of the kindest professors in the PBS Department. Such an engaging lecturer, made 3 hours go by quickly!

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PSY163TS . Sprague T C 4 Years Ago

Asks for our feedback then doesn't listen. Lectures too fast for us to understand. Asks us to read too many papers for us to actually take the time to understand then because there are too many papers, he can't take the time to help us understand them. He needs to assign less so he can focus on those things and take the time to actually teach us.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

Great professor who's tests were very straightforward through the midterm. They were a little too straightforward because the final was profoundly more difficult than the previous material most likely to keep the class average from being too high. The grading is not only from the midterm and final so an A was very attainable. Interesting lectures!

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

Sprague was a great lecturer! He posts his lectures online. We had quizzes (about note, online), 2 midterms and 1 final. All multiple choice, most of the info comes from lectures. I didn't attend lecture much. Just reviewed his slides + study group with other people in the class. 2 extra credit opportunities!

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

The class was really interesting and Dr. Sprague was very nice. The lectures weren't necessary if you do the reading, but they were like a less in depth review of the reading. The review questions at the beginning of class and the specific and relevant examples were helpful and engaging, even if he did go slightly fast. There's easy extra credit!

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PSYCH108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

I really hope I have the opportunity to take another of Dr. Sprague's psychology classes because he is immensely passionate, informative, clear, and engaging. Yes, he goes fast with lecture slides but its hardly an issue. He really cares about psych and the students. Overall my favorite professor I've (ever) had in my 4 years of college.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

I love him with my whole heart and he gives so many opportunities to boost your grade. Never met a better guy. Also the tests are easy and the weekly quizzes are open note and online! Attendance is not mandatory either

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

Awesome guy, very quietly funny and understated. He is really passionate about this subject, and is eager to answer questions and help out. Some people say that his lectures are disconnected from the test, but its more that they take concepts from the book and link them together with real world examples. Tests are an easy A, just do the readings.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

I understand that its this professors first class, but at this point in the quarter (week 4), I am considering just showing up to class for the tests. He talks and goes through the slides so fast that it is impossible to take quality notes and I leave feeling like I learned absolutely nothing. Its better to just read the book

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 5 Years Ago

WHAT IS GOING ON. GOES SO FAST IN LECTURES AND DOESNT SLOW DOWN WHEN TOLD HE IS GOING FAST. first time teaching and makes it hard to understand anything. Slides are non cohesive and you must rely on the book. I understand its his first time but when you talk about cognition at 100 words per second, I say you should revise your teaching style.

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